To begin this answer, Illias Sattar only jumped for a mubahila because he could not answer this clear ayah of the Qur’an which shows the death of Isa(as).

And when Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary, didst thou say to men, ‘Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah?’”, he will answer, “Holy art Thou. I could never say that to which I had no right. If I had said it, Thou wouldst have surely known it. Thou knowest what is in my mind, and I know not what is in Thy mind. It is only Thou Who art the Knower of hidden things. “I said nothing to them except that which Thou didst command me — ‘Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.’ And I was a witness over them as long as I remained among them, but since Thou didst cause me to die, Thou hast been the Watcher over them; and Thou art Witness over all things. (Chapter 5 Verses 117-118)
These verses are a dialogue between Allah and Jesus(as) on the day of judgement. Allah asks Isa(as) whether it was his reasoning and teaching and that if he was the one who taught his followers to take himself and his mother as gods. Jesus(as) responded to this by saying : “I was a witness over them as long as I remained among them”. This statement shows that Jesus(As) is taking full responsibility for the people while he was alive and a guardian over them. He assures that as long as he was with the people and among them, they followed they right path and did not commit shirk, rather worshiped on God alone. The next statement of Isa(as) is that he states that he cannot be blamed nor held responsible for what the people did and the misguidance they followed, after Allah caused him to die, since he was no longer among them to guide them. Isa(as) explains this in the next statement where he states: since Thou didst cause me to die, Thou hast been the Watcher over them; and Thou art Witness over all things. It is obvious that in this context tawaffaitani can mean nothing other then death nor in any context can it mean anything other then death (unless sleep or night is mentioned) which will be proven.
These verses also conclude and lead to the conclusion that Isa(As) would not return physically in the latter days as that would contradict the perfect book, the Holy Quran. If we do for arguments sake accept that Isa(As) went into the heavens 2000 years ago and will return, then this statement In the Quran cannot be true as he claims Allah was a watcher after he left them and Allah alone. Either you say the Quran is creating a contradiction God forbid, Isa(As) is lying, or he has died. An open minded person after reading this verse would agree he has died. The Promised Messiah(as) states in the Will :
The meaning [of this verse], in the context of the relevant verses, is that on the Day of Judgement God will ask ‘Isa(as), “Was it you yourself who taught your followers ‘Believe in me and my mother as gods?’ “. To this he will reply, ‘As long as I remained among them I was witness over them and was their custodian, but after You caused me to die, how could I know what the heresy was with respect to which they had gone astray!’ Now, if one desires one can take the verse to mean ‘When You caused me to die;’ or if one so desires, without abandoning one’s unjustified obduracy, one can take it to mean: ‘When You raised me to Heaven with my physical body.’ In any event, this verse proves that ‘Isa(as) will not return to this world. For had he come again to this world and had he [having returned to this world] broken the Cross, then in that case it would not be possible that ‘Isa(as), who is a Prophet(as) of God, should tell such a blatantly plain lie in the presence of God on the Day of Judgment viz., ‘I have no knowledge whatsoever that after me my people adopted a false creed and made me and my mother gods’. Can a person who returns to this world and lives in it for forty years and fights battles against Christians, tell such detestable lie—i.e. ‘I am totally ignorant of it all’—even though he is a Prophet? Thus the above verse prevents the return of ‘Isa(as) because, otherwise, he has to be taken for a liar. If he is in Heaven with his physical body and, as the above verse elucidates, will not descend on the earth till the Day of Judgment, will he die in Heaven and will his grave be in Heaven, while his dying in Heaven is contradicted by the verse He said, “Therein you will live, and therein you will die, and from it you will be brought forth.”. Hence, all this proves that he [‘Isa(as)] did not ascend to Heaven with his physical body but went to Heaven after having died. If to oppose the Book of God, when it has given an explicit verdict, is not a sin, then what else is sin? (The Will page 17-19)
Secondly how incorrect is it to believe that this mubahalah was lost by the khalifa when Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) won every single mubahalah? Can one really think Allah changed his stance? In reality, it is clear that Illias Sattar was destroyed.
Let us first look at the versse of Mubahalah. Allah states:
Allah the Almighty states:

Now whoso disputes with thee concerning him, after what has come to thee of knowledge, say to him, ‘Come, let us call our sons and your sons, and our women and your women, and our people and your people; then let us pray fervently and invoke the curse of Allah on those who lie.’(Chapter 3 Verse 62)
Now Allah revealed this verse but still the Christians did not die before The Prophet (Saw), and we know that they did not accept the mubahala either, which is the only possible outcome as we know how truthful the Prophet (Saw) was. Similar is the case with Illias Sattar who tried to trick and deceive many which is not something new when it comes to these “scholars” of today
What transpired on June 3, 1999 was a question answer session with some non Ahmadis which included Illias Sattar and his company. Two Murabbis were present named Usman Shahid and Abdul Rahman. The debate got out of hand and Illias Sattar could not answer the verse I put above, which made him go straight to a mubahala. The scholars told him that the mubahala is given by the khalifa. Upon hearing this Sattar decided to accept the challenge. This took place in Karachi. The Missionaries believed the mubahalas are for bigger “scholars” who have a jamaat or a group which is why Illias Sattar was not given much attention to, but Illias Sattar wanted to become famous and this was all he really wanted since he was unknown. The missionaries accepted the mubahala. Illias Sattar mentioned:
“If Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(As) is wrong and not from Allah then I pray that Mirza Tahir Ahmad will be punished in one year and the whole of the jamaat will be punished by Allah within one year”
Can anyone tell me what happened in one year? Jamaat grew and became stronger, this is a fact.
Illias Sattar then signed on a newspaper called Jurat on November the 11th 19999. He claimed that the 34th Jalsa would be the last of Jamaat Ahmadiyya. We just had a jalsa last year in UK which had over 30,000 members and every year before that since 1999, so he is once again proven a liar. According to him jamaat should have vanished by 2000. After this Allah blessed all the jalsas much more and is still happening. After few years Jamaat spread even more and God blessed Jamaat with a lot of land.
Today Illias Sattar who clearly lost this Mubahala celebrates for no reason at all. We ask him what bad thing happened to Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(Ra) or the jamaat. If he dares to call out the temporary illness of Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(Ra) then that is ignorance on his part and he should also say the same for the prophets who have gotten sick including the Seal of all the prophets, Muhammad (Saw) during his last days. If the sickness of Hazur (Ra) was a punishment then why would Allah cure him? Hazur (Ra) delivered 16 khutbas in 2000. Then what happened the next year? He led 49 khutbas in 2000. What happened in 2002? He led 46 sermons. Allah recovered Hazur (Ra) from a sickness that had nothing to do with this mubahala. One day before Hazur(Ra) passed away, he was able to by the grace of Allah, deliver a Friday sermon.
Another important thing to note is that Illias Sattar did not even follow the first condition of the mubahala which was that on 10 June 1988 Illias Sattar was supposed to publish this mubahala in the Pakistani newspaper. Can he prove that he ever did this? NEVER! This proves Illias Sattar who had never fulfilled the first condition and was declared as a loser. He ran from the first condition itself then celebrates after Hazur (Ra) was given a natural death of old age way after one year. Then what happened? We were blessed with another khalifa chosen by Allah who is currently leading the Islamic world as we speak and is the only leader amongst the Ummah, of course excluding terrorists who self claim caliphate.

And when Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary, didst thou say to men, ‘Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah?’”, he will answer, “Holy art Thou. I could never say that to which I had no right. If I had said it, Thou wouldst have surely known it. Thou knowest what is in my mind, and I know not what is in Thy mind. It is only Thou Who art the Knower of hidden things. “I said nothing to them except that which Thou didst command me — ‘Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.’ And I was a witness over them as long as I remained among them, but since Thou didst cause me to die, Thou hast been the Watcher over them; and Thou art Witness over all things. (Chapter 5 Verses 117-118)
These verses are a dialogue between Allah and Jesus(as) on the day of judgement. Allah asks Isa(as) whether it was his reasoning and teaching and that if he was the one who taught his followers to take himself and his mother as gods. Jesus(as) responded to this by saying : “I was a witness over them as long as I remained among them”. This statement shows that Jesus(As) is taking full responsibility for the people while he was alive and a guardian over them. He assures that as long as he was with the people and among them, they followed they right path and did not commit shirk, rather worshiped on God alone. The next statement of Isa(as) is that he states that he cannot be blamed nor held responsible for what the people did and the misguidance they followed, after Allah caused him to die, since he was no longer among them to guide them. Isa(as) explains this in the next statement where he states: since Thou didst cause me to die, Thou hast been the Watcher over them; and Thou art Witness over all things. It is obvious that in this context tawaffaitani can mean nothing other then death nor in any context can it mean anything other then death (unless sleep or night is mentioned) which will be proven.
These verses also conclude and lead to the conclusion that Isa(As) would not return physically in the latter days as that would contradict the perfect book, the Holy Quran. If we do for arguments sake accept that Isa(As) went into the heavens 2000 years ago and will return, then this statement In the Quran cannot be true as he claims Allah was a watcher after he left them and Allah alone. Either you say the Quran is creating a contradiction God forbid, Isa(As) is lying, or he has died. An open minded person after reading this verse would agree he has died. The Promised Messiah(as) states in the Will :
The meaning [of this verse], in the context of the relevant verses, is that on the Day of Judgement God will ask ‘Isa(as), “Was it you yourself who taught your followers ‘Believe in me and my mother as gods?’ “. To this he will reply, ‘As long as I remained among them I was witness over them and was their custodian, but after You caused me to die, how could I know what the heresy was with respect to which they had gone astray!’ Now, if one desires one can take the verse to mean ‘When You caused me to die;’ or if one so desires, without abandoning one’s unjustified obduracy, one can take it to mean: ‘When You raised me to Heaven with my physical body.’ In any event, this verse proves that ‘Isa(as) will not return to this world. For had he come again to this world and had he [having returned to this world] broken the Cross, then in that case it would not be possible that ‘Isa(as), who is a Prophet(as) of God, should tell such a blatantly plain lie in the presence of God on the Day of Judgment viz., ‘I have no knowledge whatsoever that after me my people adopted a false creed and made me and my mother gods’. Can a person who returns to this world and lives in it for forty years and fights battles against Christians, tell such detestable lie—i.e. ‘I am totally ignorant of it all’—even though he is a Prophet? Thus the above verse prevents the return of ‘Isa(as) because, otherwise, he has to be taken for a liar. If he is in Heaven with his physical body and, as the above verse elucidates, will not descend on the earth till the Day of Judgment, will he die in Heaven and will his grave be in Heaven, while his dying in Heaven is contradicted by the verse He said, “Therein you will live, and therein you will die, and from it you will be brought forth.”. Hence, all this proves that he [‘Isa(as)] did not ascend to Heaven with his physical body but went to Heaven after having died. If to oppose the Book of God, when it has given an explicit verdict, is not a sin, then what else is sin? (The Will page 17-19)
Secondly how incorrect is it to believe that this mubahalah was lost by the khalifa when Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) won every single mubahalah? Can one really think Allah changed his stance? In reality, it is clear that Illias Sattar was destroyed.
Let us first look at the versse of Mubahalah. Allah states:
Allah the Almighty states:
Now whoso disputes with thee concerning him, after what has come to thee of knowledge, say to him, ‘Come, let us call our sons and your sons, and our women and your women, and our people and your people; then let us pray fervently and invoke the curse of Allah on those who lie.’(Chapter 3 Verse 62)
Now Allah revealed this verse but still the Christians did not die before The Prophet (Saw), and we know that they did not accept the mubahala either, which is the only possible outcome as we know how truthful the Prophet (Saw) was. Similar is the case with Illias Sattar who tried to trick and deceive many which is not something new when it comes to these “scholars” of today
What transpired on June 3, 1999 was a question answer session with some non Ahmadis which included Illias Sattar and his company. Two Murabbis were present named Usman Shahid and Abdul Rahman. The debate got out of hand and Illias Sattar could not answer the verse I put above, which made him go straight to a mubahala. The scholars told him that the mubahala is given by the khalifa. Upon hearing this Sattar decided to accept the challenge. This took place in Karachi. The Missionaries believed the mubahalas are for bigger “scholars” who have a jamaat or a group which is why Illias Sattar was not given much attention to, but Illias Sattar wanted to become famous and this was all he really wanted since he was unknown. The missionaries accepted the mubahala. Illias Sattar mentioned:
“If Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(As) is wrong and not from Allah then I pray that Mirza Tahir Ahmad will be punished in one year and the whole of the jamaat will be punished by Allah within one year”
Can anyone tell me what happened in one year? Jamaat grew and became stronger, this is a fact.
Illias Sattar then signed on a newspaper called Jurat on November the 11th 19999. He claimed that the 34th Jalsa would be the last of Jamaat Ahmadiyya. We just had a jalsa last year in UK which had over 30,000 members and every year before that since 1999, so he is once again proven a liar. According to him jamaat should have vanished by 2000. After this Allah blessed all the jalsas much more and is still happening. After few years Jamaat spread even more and God blessed Jamaat with a lot of land.
Today Illias Sattar who clearly lost this Mubahala celebrates for no reason at all. We ask him what bad thing happened to Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(Ra) or the jamaat. If he dares to call out the temporary illness of Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(Ra) then that is ignorance on his part and he should also say the same for the prophets who have gotten sick including the Seal of all the prophets, Muhammad (Saw) during his last days. If the sickness of Hazur (Ra) was a punishment then why would Allah cure him? Hazur (Ra) delivered 16 khutbas in 2000. Then what happened the next year? He led 49 khutbas in 2000. What happened in 2002? He led 46 sermons. Allah recovered Hazur (Ra) from a sickness that had nothing to do with this mubahala. One day before Hazur(Ra) passed away, he was able to by the grace of Allah, deliver a Friday sermon.
Another important thing to note is that Illias Sattar did not even follow the first condition of the mubahala which was that on 10 June 1988 Illias Sattar was supposed to publish this mubahala in the Pakistani newspaper. Can he prove that he ever did this? NEVER! This proves Illias Sattar who had never fulfilled the first condition and was declared as a loser. He ran from the first condition itself then celebrates after Hazur (Ra) was given a natural death of old age way after one year. Then what happened? We were blessed with another khalifa chosen by Allah who is currently leading the Islamic world as we speak and is the only leader amongst the Ummah, of course excluding terrorists who self claim caliphate.