The foolish allegation is from malfoozat in regards to the amount of daughters Nabi(saw) had. According to Quran we know that every time a prophet comes he is ridiculed. Its not something new that these allegations are stated although these are answered thousands of times. You are referring to the saying of malfoozat that supposedly the prophet(saw) had 11 daughters.
Has the message been sent down upon him from among us? Rather, he is an insolent liar.”( Chapter 54 verse 26) This is not new only for Ahmad(as) rather all prophets are treated in this way.
Now lets look at malfoozat volume 6 page 57 and 58 and look at this passage where
Ahmad(as) refers to supposedly 12 daughters. Firstly the saying is not from Ahmad(as)’s book rather its written by a companion while Ahmad(As) was speaking to the women in a sermon.
in the same volume page 53 the person makes it clear that he had to stand outside the door and write what he wrote and there were children with the women who were making noise which made it hard to understand . Its clearly explained that he used to write what Ahmad(As) stated but sometimes he wouldn’t hear the statement properly, so would write what he thought was said but was not always correct .Next time read in context rather then lie.