The allegation of the anti Ahmadis is that if Ahmad(as) was the mujadid why did he need to claim it? Certainly other mujadids must have also made this claim if it was necessary while no one has. This is a totally foolish allegation of the anti Ahmadi Muslims.
It is narrated by Imam Suyuti (ra) that Hadhrat Umar Ibn Abd Al Aziz(ra) claimed to be the mujadid of the age (Tarikh al Khulafa)
It was also stated that Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (ra) stated that Hadhrat Umar Ibn Abd Al Aziz(ra) was the mujadid of the first century of hijra while Imam Shafi(ra) was the mujadid of the second century (Hanbal, Imam Abu Abd Allah Ahmad, Aun Al Ma’bud, Sharh Abu Dawood Volume 4 page 148)
Hadhrat Shah Wali Ullah Dehlvi(ra) claimed to be honored with the robe of a reformer (Shah, Sayyid Wali Ullah, Tafhimat Ilahiyya)
Hadhrat Sayyid Ahmad Shah Barelvi(ra) claimed the leadership of the Muslim ummah in the capacity of a mujadid (Barelvi, Ahmad Shah, Swanih Ahmadi page 245)
Hadhrat Sheikh Ahmad(ra) of Sirhind who is known as Mujadid Al Thani because of his claim to be the Mujadid (Sirhind, Sheikh Ahmad, Maktubat Volume 2 Letter 4)
Hadhrat Imam Ghazali (ra) explained how he had attained the status and how he became the mujadid of his age (Ghazali, Imam, Al Munqidh min al Dalal)
Hadhrat Imam Taymiyyah(ra) referred to himself as the mujadid of his age as well while Imam Suyuti (ra) hoped to be the mujadid of the age (Imam Suyuti, Hujuj al Kiramah, Page 138)
It is clear that there is nothing wrong with the claim of being a mujadid and many have done it in the past. Its also true that when the messiah was to arrive he would be the mujadid of the age, while his khulafa as prophesied by the Holy Prophet(Saw), would also be the mujadids.
It is narrated by Imam Suyuti (ra) that Hadhrat Umar Ibn Abd Al Aziz(ra) claimed to be the mujadid of the age (Tarikh al Khulafa)
It was also stated that Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (ra) stated that Hadhrat Umar Ibn Abd Al Aziz(ra) was the mujadid of the first century of hijra while Imam Shafi(ra) was the mujadid of the second century (Hanbal, Imam Abu Abd Allah Ahmad, Aun Al Ma’bud, Sharh Abu Dawood Volume 4 page 148)
Hadhrat Shah Wali Ullah Dehlvi(ra) claimed to be honored with the robe of a reformer (Shah, Sayyid Wali Ullah, Tafhimat Ilahiyya)
Hadhrat Sayyid Ahmad Shah Barelvi(ra) claimed the leadership of the Muslim ummah in the capacity of a mujadid (Barelvi, Ahmad Shah, Swanih Ahmadi page 245)
Hadhrat Sheikh Ahmad(ra) of Sirhind who is known as Mujadid Al Thani because of his claim to be the Mujadid (Sirhind, Sheikh Ahmad, Maktubat Volume 2 Letter 4)
Hadhrat Imam Ghazali (ra) explained how he had attained the status and how he became the mujadid of his age (Ghazali, Imam, Al Munqidh min al Dalal)
Hadhrat Imam Taymiyyah(ra) referred to himself as the mujadid of his age as well while Imam Suyuti (ra) hoped to be the mujadid of the age (Imam Suyuti, Hujuj al Kiramah, Page 138)
It is clear that there is nothing wrong with the claim of being a mujadid and many have done it in the past. Its also true that when the messiah was to arrive he would be the mujadid of the age, while his khulafa as prophesied by the Holy Prophet(Saw), would also be the mujadids.