Once again this upsets me as a non Ahmadi opponent brought up this foolish allegation. Ahmad (as) is answering in reply to the criticism on Holy Quran by presenting Sura Al-Muminun. Christians and other opponents argued that the way Allah has presented the physical state from sperm is not correct based on scientific studies. Ahmad (as) gave logic and reason by using these verses:
Surely, success does come to the believers, Who are humble in their Prayers, And who shun all that which is vain, And who are active in paying the Zakat, And who guard their chastity — Except from their wives or what their right hands possess, for then they are not to be blamed; But those who seek anything beyond that are the transgressors —(Chapter 23 verses 2-8)
Allah further states:
Then We placed him as a drop of sperm in a safe depository; Then We fashioned the sperm into a clot; then We fashioned the clot into a shapeless lump; then We fashioned bones out of this shapeless lump; then We clothed the bones with flesh; then We developed it into another creation. So blessed be Allah, the Best of creators.(Chapter 23 verses 14-15)
Here is a full translation of what Ahmad(as) said:
‘Another resemblance in khushoo and sperm is that when a person’s sperm enters his wife or another woman’s private parts, then this state of ejaculation is exactly like the state of crying in the sense that just as sperm uncontrollably spurts during ejaculation, the result of being in a state of khushoo results in uncontrollable crying and tears spurting from your eyes.And in the way that the enjoyment of ejaculation is permissible when it is in the company of the wife, but it is also impermissible when it is in the company of an unlawful woman. The same is the case with khushoo and tenderness of the heart and weeping. When this khushoo and tendering of the heart is just for the one and only God without any contamination of bid’at and shirk, then this enjoyment is permissible. However, sometimes khushoo and soft heartedness and its enjoyment is found through contamination of bid’aat or in worshiping gods and goddesses then this enjoyment is like committing a multitude of sins.” (Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, Volume 5, Page 196)
The same word khushoo which the anti Ahmadis accuse Ahmad(as) of using, is present in the Quranic ayahs and refers to humility expressed within the body movements. This is included in Lanes Lexicon and many other dictionaries. The verses do indeed refer to how believes may express humility through their body movements which includes crying during their prayers and further go on to say that the believers have a duty to keep themselves chaste.
If you have issues with the word sperm then you do not have an issue with Ahmad(As) but actually an issue with the Quran and Allah. Allah and his prophets explain things openly rather then leaving confusion in the people. Its obvious you missed out on a lot of the Quran and Ahmad(As)’s books. Before the anti Ahmadis accuse they should know that they are in reality accusing Allah for revealing the ayahs. We cannot finish this refutation without spotting out the false translation of the anti Ahmadi Muslims. They have mistranslated Ahmad(as) using private parts, to vulva to try making his statement seem inappropriate. They have also excluded the words state of before ejaculation and crying. The words themselves explain the meaning of the sentence. They also exclude the words “in the sense that” which shows that Ahmad(as) is making a clear analogy. They translate the word spurt into jump as an attempt to make the analogy seem false as tears don’t jump. They also translate the phrase as makes love to his wife, when in reality it should be “in the company of the wife”. This was also done to make it seem as if Ahmad(as) was making a romantic analogy. They also turn the phrase unlawful woman into prostitute. They further use the phrase “ecstasy” instead of enjoyment. The reason for this false translation was to make it appear as if the writing of Ahmad(as) was glorifying this act. They lastly change “committing a multitude of sins” into “intercourse of adultery”. How can such people be trusted, who lie this much in a single allegation against a prophet of Allah?