Another primary difference between the Ahmadi and non Ahmadi Muslims is in regards to the Messiah and Mahdi being one person with both of these titles. This is misunderstood by many, but if one pays attention to the ahadith this issue becomes extremely clear.
Firstly according to the Qur’an it is clear that the prophets are also called the rightly guided imams or leads. Allah states:

And We made them leaders who guided people by Our command, and We sent revelation to them enjoining the doing of good works, and the observing of Prayer, and the giving of alms. And they were worshippers of Us alone.(Chapter 21 Verse 74)
Now when we turn to the books of Ahadith, all Sunni Muslims agree that after the Qur’an the most Sahih Ahadith books are Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. Now a topic as important as the mahdi would have surely been included in Bukhari and Muslim if it was to be someone other than the messiah. Interestingly enough, both ahadith books make it clear that the messiah of the latter days would be the imam of the Muslims.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) states :
Firstly according to the Qur’an it is clear that the prophets are also called the rightly guided imams or leads. Allah states:
And We made them leaders who guided people by Our command, and We sent revelation to them enjoining the doing of good works, and the observing of Prayer, and the giving of alms. And they were worshippers of Us alone.(Chapter 21 Verse 74)
Now when we turn to the books of Ahadith, all Sunni Muslims agree that after the Qur’an the most Sahih Ahadith books are Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. Now a topic as important as the mahdi would have surely been included in Bukhari and Muslim if it was to be someone other than the messiah. Interestingly enough, both ahadith books make it clear that the messiah of the latter days would be the imam of the Muslims.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) states :
حَدَّثَنَا ابْنُ بُكَيْرٍ، حَدَّثَنَا اللَّيْثُ، عَنْ يُونُسَ، عَنِ ابْنِ شِهَابٍ، عَنْ نَافِعٍ، مَوْلَى أَبِي قَتَادَةَ الأَنْصَارِيِّ أَنَّ أَبَا هُرَيْرَةَ، قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم “ كَيْفَ أَنْتُمْ إِذَا نَزَلَ ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ فِيكُمْ وَإِمَامُكُمْ مِنْكُمْ ”. تَابَعَهُ عُقَيْلٌ وَالأَوْزَاعِيُّ.
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said “How will you be when the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you and is your imam among you.”(Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 55, Hadith 658)
When we look in Sahih Muslim the same is stated.
حَدَّثَنِي حَرْمَلَةُ بْنُ يَحْيَى، أَخْبَرَنَا ابْنُ وَهْبٍ، أَخْبَرَنِي يُونُسُ، عَنِ ابْنِ شِهَابٍ، قَالَ أَخْبَرَنِي نَافِعٌ، مَوْلَى أَبِي قَتَادَةَ الأَنْصَارِيِّ أَنَّ أَبَا هُرَيْرَةَ، قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم “ كَيْفَ أَنْتُمْ إِذَا نَزَلَ ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ فِيكُمْ وَإِمَامُكُمْ مِنْكُمْ ” .
It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) observed: What will be your state when the son of Mary descends amongst you and is an Imam amongst you?(Sahih Muslim, Sahih Muslim 155 d)
This shows us that the messiah who would come would indeed be the imam as well according to the most sahih Books of ahadith. Now when we move forward there is another hadith of Musnad Ahmad which declares Isa(as) to be the imam mahdi.
عن أبي هريرة عن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قال : يوشك من عاش منكم ان يلقى عيسى بن مريم إماما مهديا وحكما عدلا فيكسر الصليب ويقتل الخنزير ويضع الجزية وتضع الحرب أوزارها
Narrated Abu Huraira (RA) that Prophet, may Allah bless him, said: “It is near that one who lives from amongst you shall meet ‘Eisa bin Maryam. He will be a rightly guided leader and a just ruler” *(Musnad Ahmad)
The word mahdi has been used in the prayers of Muhammad(saw) for many and simply refers to one who would be rightly guided. For example :
حَدَّثَنَا ابْنُ نُمَيْرٍ، حَدَّثَنَا ابْنُ إِدْرِيسَ، عَنْ إِسْمَاعِيلَ، عَنْ قَيْسٍ، عَنْ جَرِيرٍ، قَالَ مَا حَجَبَنِي النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم مُنْذُ أَسْلَمْتُ، وَلاَ رَآنِي إِلاَّ تَبَسَّمَ فِي وَجْهِي.
وَلَقَدْ شَكَوْتُ إِلَيْهِ أَنِّي لاَ أَثْبُتُ عَلَى الْخَيْلِ، فَضَرَبَ بِيَدِهِ فِي صَدْرِي وَقَالَ “ اللَّهُمَّ ثَبِّتْهُ وَاجْعَلْهُ هَادِيًا مَهْدِيًّا ”
Narrated Jarir:
The Prophet (ﷺ) did not screen himself from me (had never prevented me from entering upon him) since I embraced Islam, and whenever he saw me, he would receive me with a smile. Once I told him that I could not sit firm on horses. He stroked me on the chest with his hand, and said, “O Allah! Make him firm and make him a guiding and a rightly guided man.(Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 73, Hadith #112)
This itself shows that having the title of the mahdi for the messiah(as) of latter days is an obvious fact as the Prophet(saw) prayed for his own people to be rightly guided. Can one say the messiah will not be an imam or the mahdi? Of course not. Its clear that these are only titles for the same person.
Another hadith which goes in line with the hadith of sahih Bukhari, Muslim, and Musnad Ahmad further clears up this issue:
حَدَّثَنَا يُونُسُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الأَعْلَى، حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ إِدْرِيسَ الشَّافِعِيُّ، حَدَّثَنِي مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ خَالِدٍ الْجَنَدِيُّ، عَنْ أَبَانَ بْنِ صَالِحٍ، عَنِ الْحَسَنِ، عَنْ أَنَسِ بْنِ مَالِكٍ، أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ قَالَ “ لاَ يَزْدَادُ الأَمْرُ إِلاَّ شِدَّةً وَلاَ الدُّنْيَا إِلاَّ إِدْبَارًا وَلاَ النَّاسُ إِلاَّ شُحًّا وَلاَ تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ إِلاَّ عَلَى شِرَارِ النَّاسِ وَلاَ الْمَهْدِيُّ إِلاَّ عِيسَى ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ ” .
“Adhering to religion will only become harder and worldly affairs will only become more difficult, and people will only become more stingy, and the Hour will only come upon the worst of people, and the only Mahdi (after Muhammad (ﷺ)) is ‘Eisa bin Maryam.”(Ibn Majah Hadith #4039)
Further more it is clear from the Islamic point of view that for the ummah there will only be one khalifa at the time. It is clear that the mahdi and messiah are given the titles of khalifa. It is stated in Tabarani that the latter day messiah would be a khalifa of the ummah while ibn Majah states:
Further more it is clear from the Islamic point of view that for the ummah there will only be one khalifa at the time. It is clear that the mahdi and messiah are given the titles of khalifa. It is stated in Tabarani that the latter day messiah would be a khalifa of the ummah while ibn Majah states:
فَإِذَا رَأَيْتُمُوهُ فَبَايِعُوهُ وَلَوْ حَبْوًا عَلَى الثَّلْجِ فَإِنَّهُ خَلِيفَةُ اللَّهِ الْمَهْدِيُّ
“When you see them, then pledge your allegiance to them even if you have to crawl over the snow, for that is the caliph of Allah, Mahdi.”(Ibn Majah Hadith #4084)
It is indeed clear that both are also given the title of a caliph but Sahih Muslim makes it clear that there should only be one caliph and if there is more than one you should kill the latter:
وَحَدَّثَنِي وَهْبُ بْنُ بَقِيَّةَ الْوَاسِطِيُّ، حَدَّثَنَا خَالِدُ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ، عَنِ الْجُرَيْرِيِّ، عَنْ أَبِي، نَضْرَةَ عَنْ أَبِي سَعِيدٍ الْخُدْرِيِّ، قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم “ إِذَا بُويِعَ لِخَلِيفَتَيْنِ فَاقْتُلُوا الآخَرَ مِنْهُمَا ” .
It has been narrated on the authority of Aba Sa’id al-Khudri that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
When oath of allegiance has been taken for two caliphs, kill the one for whom the oath was taken later.(Sahih Muslim Hadith #1853)
Now would the people who believe the messiah and Mahdi are two different people kill Isa(as) right when he claims that he is a khalifa? Of course no Muslim can believe such a thing.
Moving on some people have quoted that it states in Sahih Muslim that the mahdi would lead isa(as) in prayer. This is totally false as the imam mahdi is not mentioned anywhere in the book. However, it does indeed state that when the messiah arrives he will lead the prayer:
إِذْ أُقِيمَتِ الصَّلاَةُ فَيَنْزِلُ عِيسَى ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ فَأَمَّهُمْ
Certainly, the time of prayer shall come and then Jesus (peace be upon him) son of Mary would descend and would lead them in prayer.(Sahih Muslim #2897)
The hadith the non Ahmadis usually quote is as follows:
حَدَّثَنَا الْوَلِيدُ بْنُ شُجَاعٍ، وَهَارُونُ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ، وَحَجَّاجُ بْنُ الشَّاعِرِ، قَالُوا حَدَّثَنَا حَجَّاجٌ، – وَهُوَ ابْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ – عَنِ ابْنِ جُرَيْجٍ، قَالَ أَخْبَرَنِي أَبُو الزُّبَيْرِ، أَنَّهُ سَمِعَ جَابِرَ بْنَ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ، يَقُولُ سَمِعْتُ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم يَقُولُ “ لاَ تَزَالُ طَائِفَةٌ مِنْ أُمَّتِي يُقَاتِلُونَ عَلَى الْحَقِّ ظَاهِرِينَ إِلَى يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ – قَالَ – فَيَنْزِلُ عِيسَى ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ صلى الله عليه وسلم فَيَقُولُ أَمِيرُهُمْ تَعَالَ صَلِّ لَنَا . فَيَقُولُ لاَ . إِنَّ بَعْضَكُمْ عَلَى بَعْضٍ أُمَرَاءُ . تَكْرِمَةَ اللَّهِ هَذِهِ الأُمَّةَ ” .
Jabir b. ‘Abdullah reported:
The hadith the non Ahmadis usually quote is as follows:
حَدَّثَنَا الْوَلِيدُ بْنُ شُجَاعٍ، وَهَارُونُ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ، وَحَجَّاجُ بْنُ الشَّاعِرِ، قَالُوا حَدَّثَنَا حَجَّاجٌ، – وَهُوَ ابْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ – عَنِ ابْنِ جُرَيْجٍ، قَالَ أَخْبَرَنِي أَبُو الزُّبَيْرِ، أَنَّهُ سَمِعَ جَابِرَ بْنَ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ، يَقُولُ سَمِعْتُ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم يَقُولُ “ لاَ تَزَالُ طَائِفَةٌ مِنْ أُمَّتِي يُقَاتِلُونَ عَلَى الْحَقِّ ظَاهِرِينَ إِلَى يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ – قَالَ – فَيَنْزِلُ عِيسَى ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ صلى الله عليه وسلم فَيَقُولُ أَمِيرُهُمْ تَعَالَ صَلِّ لَنَا . فَيَقُولُ لاَ . إِنَّ بَعْضَكُمْ عَلَى بَعْضٍ أُمَرَاءُ . تَكْرِمَةَ اللَّهِ هَذِهِ الأُمَّةَ ” .
Jabir b. ‘Abdullah reported:
I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: A section of my people will not cease fighting for the Truth and will prevail till the Day of Resurrection. He said: Jesus son of Mary would then descend and their (Muslims’) commander would invite him to come and lead them in prayer, but he would say: No, some amongst you are commanders over some (amongst you). This is the honour from Allah for this Ummah.(Sahih Muslim Hadith #156)
This hadith has nothing to do with the mahdi rather shows that the latter day messiah will also let others lead as Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) did. A key point is the ameers mentioned here are in plural as well. He says “commanders over some”
Now another point to make clear is that many of the ahadith on the mahdi are indeed false and have contradictions in them which shows that Muhammad(saw) did not say these ahadith. The same follows for the messiah and the ahadith about him. For example in Ibn Majah it states the imam would lead isa(as) in Palestine but this hadith itself is daif. We also have a narration saying he would come in Jordan in a Valley in Musnad Ahmad which is another contradiction. The most authentic narration is indeed that he would descend to the east of Damascus as Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) did.
كيف تهلك أمة أنا في أولها وعيسى في آخرها
‘How can that Ummah be destroyed in whose beginning is me, in whose end is ‘Eisa.”(Tarikh Dimashq)
Here the hadith only mentions Muhammad(saw) and the Messiah. Now the non Ahmadis love to quote another hadith of the same book which also includes the mahdi but this is totally weak as well once we study it.
For example one narrator is named Yaman Ibn Sa’id Al Massisi who is weakned by Imam Dhahabi and Daruqtuni. Yazid Khalid Al Qushayri another narrator is called a liar by Abu Hatim. Another version of this hadith in the same book is also quoted and is weak as well. One narrator Abu Bakr Ahmad Ibn Muhammad is accused of bringing munkar hadith while Caliph al Mansur is accused of not being a man of hadith.
The truth is indeed clear that the messiah and mahdi would indeed be one and the ahadith in regards to the mahdi are full of contradictions which shows they were not all said by the Prophet Muhammad(saw) who made it clear that the messiah and mahdi would indeed be one and the same and that never should the ummah have two caliphs.
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) states:
“Mine and my Jama`at’s belief about Mahdī and Promised Messiah is that all ahadīth about coming of Mahdī are not reliable and trustworthy. To me, they are under three kinds of criticism, or you can say that they are only of three kinds. First, those ahadīth that are fabricated and wrong and their narrators are blamed of lies and dishonesty, thus no righteous Muslim can trust them. Secondly the ahadīth that are weak and broken and because of mutual contradictions and disagreements cannot be trusted upon. Renowned Imams of hadīth have not either mentioned them altogether or with criticism and doubt. They have not testified these traditions by not confirming the truth and honesty of their narrators. Third category of such ahadīth are those that are though correct and authenticated by many ways but they have either been fulfilled in the past and no waiting period remains for them, or no outwardly Khilafat and battles are mentioned in them. Only a Mahdī, i.e., a guided person is heralded in them. It is not only hinted but also explicitly stated that his kingdom and Khilafat shall not be outwardly and that, he would neither fight not shed blood. He shall have no army but establish faith with the power of spiritual concentration as stated in hadīth “ a a a No Mahdī except Isa” in the book of Ibn-e-Maja known with the same name and in Hakim’s Mustadrik narrated by Anas bin Malik. Muhammad bin Khalid Jundi has narrated from Iban bin Saleh who narrated from Hassan of Basara who narrated from Anas bin Malik who narrated from the Holy Prophet(sa). The meaning of this hadīth is that there shall be no Mahdī except that who shall come in the disposition and teaching-style of Isaas. He shall neither fight the evil not do battles but spread guidance through examples and heavenly signs. The hadīth stated by Imam Bukhari in his Sahi Bukhari supports this hadīth the wordings of that are
“ يضع الحرب”
Yadha-ul-Harb” means that the Mahdī whose other name is Promised Messiah shall abolish religious battles altogether. He shall teach not to fight for religion, but spread religion through illuminations of truth, miracles of morality and signs of nearness of God. Therefore, truly I say that one who fights for religion at this time or supports such fighter or advises him apparently or secretly, or have such desires in his heart, is disobedient of Allah and His Messenger and has stepped out of the limits of their wills and obligations.” (Haqiqat-ul-Mahdī PP 3-6, RK Vol-14 PP 429-432)
It is indeed clear that they are one and the same person with the title of the messiah and mahdi and that this person would be from the ummah of Muhammad(saw). Many scholars have also had this view from the past and here are some examples. One has to however remember, that the Qur’an and Ahadith have already made it clear that they are one, so even if the scholars differed, one should accept the Qur’an and Ahadith.
Here are some statements of scholars:
أنه لا يجوز أن يكون على المسلمين في وقت واحد في جميع الدنيا إمامان لا متفقان ولا متفرقان.
“It is impermissible for the Muslims at one single time throughout the world to have two divergent Imams, whether they are concordant nor divergent”. [Al-Mīzān al-Kubrā 2/131]
Imam An Nawawi, who is one of the greatest Shafi scholars, has stated in Ash Sharh:
واتفق العلماء على أنه لا يجوز أن يعقد الخليفتين في عصر واحد سواء اتسعت دار الإسلام أم لا.
“The scholars have come into an agreement that it is impermissible that two disparate caliphs are appointed at one single period, same either Dar al-Islam expands or not”. [Sharḥ Sahih Muslim 12/232]
Ibn Hazm Az Zahiri, who is a scholar from the fourth Hijri has stated:
ولا يحل أن يكون في الدنيا إلا إمام واحد.
“It is not legal in the world except only one single Imam”. [al-Muḥalla 9/360]
Imam Al Mawardi, has stated:
وإذا عقدت الإمامة لإمامين في بلدين لم تنعقد إمامتهما لأنه لا يجوز أن يكون للأمة إمامان في وقت واحد.
“If Imamah is disposed for two Imāms in two variant countries, their Imamah is not warrantable as it is impermissible for Ummah to have two Imams at one single time”. [al-Aḥkam as-Sulṭaniyyah 1/10]
Now will the non Ahmadi Muslims decide to kill the mahdi? Or would they kill Jesus(as)? This references and ahadith which were quoted earlier, clearly show that the messiah and mahdi are indeed one and the same.
Ibn al-Qayyim has stated:
إنما المهدي عيسى ابن مريم، يعني المهدي الكامل المعصوم.
“Al-Mahdi is only Jesus Son of Maryam(as). I.e. the Perfect and Masum Mahdi”. [al-Manār al-Munīf p. 148]
Imam Qurtubi has stated:
لا مهدي كاملا معصوما إلا عيسى.
“There is no Perfect and Infallible Mahdi except Jesus(as)”. [at-Tadhkirah 2/723]
Mujahid Ibn Jabr has stated:
حدثنا الوليد بن عتبة؛ عن زائدة، عن ليث، عن مجاهد، قال: المهدي عيسى ابن مريم.
“Al-Walid ibn ‘Utbah narrated to us; from Zā’idah, from Layth, from Mujāhid, he said: Al-Mahdi is Jesus Son of Maryamas”. [al-Muṣannaf, Kitab al-Fitan, no. 38660]
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) states:
“Whosoever presumes that al-Mahdī al-Ma‘hūd and al-Masīḥ al-Mau‘ūd are two different persons who will come out as two Mujāhids and unsheathe sword upon Christians and Pagans, he has already calumniated against Allāh and His Messenger(saw)the Seal of the Prophets. He has also said a saying which has no basis from the Holy Qur’ān, ḥadīth, and sayings of the examiners (muḥaqqiq). But, the fixed truth is that there is no Mahdī except Jesus(as), no war, and no sword nor alqanā (stick which thereon is arrow) picked. This is what is fixed from our Prophet al-Muṣṭafā(saw) No word is calumniated. Aṣ-Ṣaḥīḥayn had already bore witness to it in the previous centuries by forsaking such aḥādīth. Therein is verily a fix for those who are endued with reason. Look, then, if you are among the possessor of righteousness”. [Ḥaqīqat al-Mahdī, included Rūḥānī-e-Khazā’in, v. 14, p. 455-456]
Ahmad(as) has also stated that the ahadith regarding the Mahdi(as) have contradictions and whatever contradicts the Qur’an should not be accepted, for example the mahdi being a killer and forcing people to convert. Ahmad(as) states:
“The conclusion is that these aḥādīth, all of them, are not free from discrepancies and contradictions. Therefore, isolate yourself from them! Return all the contrarieties of ḥadīth to the Qur’ān then make it as judge to them! So, the verity becomes clear for you and you thus transform to be among those who grasp the verity. If you accept aḥādīth along with their strength of difference and contradictions and their degradation from the rank of surety (martabah al-yaqīn), how much you must do to accept al-Qur’ān the Definite the Sure which falsehood can not approach it neither from the front nor from the back, if you desire to follow the tracks of surety”. [Ḥamāmat al-Bushrā, included Rūḥānī-e-Khazā’in, v. 7, p. 315]
He (as) further states:
“Alongside it, it has been fixed that aḥādīth concerning the invader and fighter Mahdī from the lineage of Ḥaḍrat Fāṭimah az-Zahrā(ra) are ḍa‘īf majrūḥ all of them, the majority of them are nay fabricated (mauḍū‘), and from the part of calumniation. Their narrators are not trusted, their fixing has been troublesome for the scholars of ḥadīth. Therefore, al-Imām al-Bukhārī, al-Imām Muslim, and the Gallant Imām the Author of al-Muwaṭṭa‘ (Mālik ibn Anas) forsake them and a lot of muḥaddith criticize them”. [Ḥaqīqat al-Mahdī, included Rūḥānī-e-Khazā’in, v. 14, p. 455-456]
It is indeed clear that they are one and the same person with the title of the messiah and mahdi and that this person would be from the ummah of Muhammad(saw). Many scholars have also had this view from the past and here are some examples. One has to however remember, that the Qur’an and Ahadith have already made it clear that they are one, so even if the scholars differed, one should accept the Qur’an and Ahadith.
Here are some statements of scholars:
أنه لا يجوز أن يكون على المسلمين في وقت واحد في جميع الدنيا إمامان لا متفقان ولا متفرقان.
“It is impermissible for the Muslims at one single time throughout the world to have two divergent Imams, whether they are concordant nor divergent”. [Al-Mīzān al-Kubrā 2/131]
Imam An Nawawi, who is one of the greatest Shafi scholars, has stated in Ash Sharh:
واتفق العلماء على أنه لا يجوز أن يعقد الخليفتين في عصر واحد سواء اتسعت دار الإسلام أم لا.
“The scholars have come into an agreement that it is impermissible that two disparate caliphs are appointed at one single period, same either Dar al-Islam expands or not”. [Sharḥ Sahih Muslim 12/232]
Ibn Hazm Az Zahiri, who is a scholar from the fourth Hijri has stated:
ولا يحل أن يكون في الدنيا إلا إمام واحد.
“It is not legal in the world except only one single Imam”. [al-Muḥalla 9/360]
Imam Al Mawardi, has stated:
وإذا عقدت الإمامة لإمامين في بلدين لم تنعقد إمامتهما لأنه لا يجوز أن يكون للأمة إمامان في وقت واحد.
“If Imamah is disposed for two Imāms in two variant countries, their Imamah is not warrantable as it is impermissible for Ummah to have two Imams at one single time”. [al-Aḥkam as-Sulṭaniyyah 1/10]
Now will the non Ahmadi Muslims decide to kill the mahdi? Or would they kill Jesus(as)? This references and ahadith which were quoted earlier, clearly show that the messiah and mahdi are indeed one and the same.
Ibn al-Qayyim has stated:
إنما المهدي عيسى ابن مريم، يعني المهدي الكامل المعصوم.
“Al-Mahdi is only Jesus Son of Maryam(as). I.e. the Perfect and Masum Mahdi”. [al-Manār al-Munīf p. 148]
Imam Qurtubi has stated:
لا مهدي كاملا معصوما إلا عيسى.
“There is no Perfect and Infallible Mahdi except Jesus(as)”. [at-Tadhkirah 2/723]
Mujahid Ibn Jabr has stated:
حدثنا الوليد بن عتبة؛ عن زائدة، عن ليث، عن مجاهد، قال: المهدي عيسى ابن مريم.
“Al-Walid ibn ‘Utbah narrated to us; from Zā’idah, from Layth, from Mujāhid, he said: Al-Mahdi is Jesus Son of Maryamas”. [al-Muṣannaf, Kitab al-Fitan, no. 38660]
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) states:
“Whosoever presumes that al-Mahdī al-Ma‘hūd and al-Masīḥ al-Mau‘ūd are two different persons who will come out as two Mujāhids and unsheathe sword upon Christians and Pagans, he has already calumniated against Allāh and His Messenger(saw)the Seal of the Prophets. He has also said a saying which has no basis from the Holy Qur’ān, ḥadīth, and sayings of the examiners (muḥaqqiq). But, the fixed truth is that there is no Mahdī except Jesus(as), no war, and no sword nor alqanā (stick which thereon is arrow) picked. This is what is fixed from our Prophet al-Muṣṭafā(saw) No word is calumniated. Aṣ-Ṣaḥīḥayn had already bore witness to it in the previous centuries by forsaking such aḥādīth. Therein is verily a fix for those who are endued with reason. Look, then, if you are among the possessor of righteousness”. [Ḥaqīqat al-Mahdī, included Rūḥānī-e-Khazā’in, v. 14, p. 455-456]
Ahmad(as) has also stated that the ahadith regarding the Mahdi(as) have contradictions and whatever contradicts the Qur’an should not be accepted, for example the mahdi being a killer and forcing people to convert. Ahmad(as) states:
“The conclusion is that these aḥādīth, all of them, are not free from discrepancies and contradictions. Therefore, isolate yourself from them! Return all the contrarieties of ḥadīth to the Qur’ān then make it as judge to them! So, the verity becomes clear for you and you thus transform to be among those who grasp the verity. If you accept aḥādīth along with their strength of difference and contradictions and their degradation from the rank of surety (martabah al-yaqīn), how much you must do to accept al-Qur’ān the Definite the Sure which falsehood can not approach it neither from the front nor from the back, if you desire to follow the tracks of surety”. [Ḥamāmat al-Bushrā, included Rūḥānī-e-Khazā’in, v. 7, p. 315]
He (as) further states:
“Alongside it, it has been fixed that aḥādīth concerning the invader and fighter Mahdī from the lineage of Ḥaḍrat Fāṭimah az-Zahrā(ra) are ḍa‘īf majrūḥ all of them, the majority of them are nay fabricated (mauḍū‘), and from the part of calumniation. Their narrators are not trusted, their fixing has been troublesome for the scholars of ḥadīth. Therefore, al-Imām al-Bukhārī, al-Imām Muslim, and the Gallant Imām the Author of al-Muwaṭṭa‘ (Mālik ibn Anas) forsake them and a lot of muḥaddith criticize them”. [Ḥaqīqat al-Mahdī, included Rūḥānī-e-Khazā’in, v. 14, p. 455-456]