The hadith which the non Ahmadis quote is that when Allah sends the latter day Messiah he would descend near a white minaret east of Damascus. This is another hadith which cannot be taken literally rather has to be interpreted. The first question which comes up is in regards to the word nazul and what descend really means.
Let us see how the word descend has been used in the Qur’an. Allah states:
Allah has used Descend for clothing:
O children of Adam! We have indeed sent down to you raiment to cover your shame, and to be an elegant dress; but the raiment of righteousness — that is the best. That is one of the Signs of Allah, that they may remember.(Chapter 7 Verse 127)
Allah has also used descend for the cattle:
He created you from a single being; then from that He made its mate; and He has sent down for you eight head of cattle in pairs. He creates you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation, in threefold darkness. This is Allah, your Lord. His is the kingdom. There is no God but He. Whither then are you being turned away?(Chapter 39 Verse 7)
In fact Allah has even used Nazul for the Holy Prophet Muhammad(Saw) which shows us that when Nazul is used on human beings it indeed refers to them being born on earth.
Allah states:
Allah has prepared for them a severe punishment; so fear Allah, O ye men of understanding, who have believed. Allah has indeed sent down to you a Reminder —A Messenger, who recites unto you the clear Signs of Allah, that he may bring those who believe and do good deeds out of every kind of darkness into light. And whoso believes in Allah and does good deeds — He will make him enter Gardens, through which rivers flow, to abide therein for ever. Allah has indeed made excellent provision for him.(Chapter 65 Verses 11-12)
In fact everything from Allah descends:
And We have made for you therein means of livelihood, and also for all those for whom you do not provide.(Chapter 15 Verse 22)
Now we all know Muhammad(saw) was born on earth and also descended which makes it clear what descending really means. Why use nazul and attribute it to Isa(as) to mean that he would come from the skies, but not for Muhammad(saw), cattles, clothes, and everything else?
Now one might ask what the significance of a minaret might be. But the answer to this is quite simple. Firstly this cannot be literal as who would reject a messiah that makes such an entrance? It is clear that all prophets are mocked so its not possible for one to come from the skies because that would invalidate the purpose of faith itself. If Allah wanted to make everyone believe he could have physically shown Himself and stated that I am your creator and your lord but there is no reason for this and nor would Allah do such a thing. Now the significance of a minaret is also extremely clear when one gives it some thought.
A minaret is used for announcements many of times. For example the call for prayer is given on top of the minaret which causes the voice to reach all around the area. The meaning of the messiah descending near a white minaret shows that the messiah would invite people to Islam from all around the world. The Promised Messiah(as) has himself stated:
“As such, where it is written with relevance to the Promised Messiah that he would descend near a white minaret, the true purport was that it is a sign of the time of the Promised Messiah that at that time due to the mutual interaction of the world, the opening of passages, and due to the ease of meeting one another, the propagation of religion and the dissemination of its light would become so easy as if this person is standing atop a minaret. This was an indication towards trains, telegrams, steam boats and the system of mail, which has turned the entire world into a single city. Therefore, the use of the word minaret for the era of the Messiah was to
indicate that his light and voice would quickly reach the ends of the earth.”(Khutba Ilhamiyah Ruhani Khazain Volume 16 page 16-17)
This also shows that during the time of the Messiah(as) Islam would be dominant over all religions through his service and beautiful defense of Islam.
Now what is the significance of the Messiah appearing to the east of Damascus? Firstly let us make it clear that Qadian is direct east of Damascus so the prophecy was indeed fulfilled. However, the reason Damascus is stated is because that is where Paul claimed to have received his first vision and where the trinity originated from.
The non Ahmadi interpretation is that he would descend on the top of the minaret by the angels and be left there. What is the wisdom of the angels leaving him there? Could they not bring him down? Would he really need to jump down to which the people would catch him? Some also state that Ahmad(as) built the minaret. The reason is because he wanted the prophecy to have a symbolic meaning to it as well. The non Ahmadis should know that at the time of the Prophet Muhammad(saw) there was no minaret in Damascus so it would also have to be built.
Ahmad(as) has stated:
“Every seeker of the truth should deeply contemplate upon the word ‘Damascus’ as to the wisdom in the fact that it has been written that the Promised Messiah would descend to the east of Damascus, because the words uttered by God the Exalted cannot merely be matters of coincidence. Rather, there are secrets and signs hidden beneath them, because all of the words of God the Exalted are replete of signs and secrets.
Now, our opponents read this Hadith of Damascus again and again but they cannot answer that where it has been mentioned that the Promised Messiah would descend to the east of Damascus near a minaret, what is the mystery in this? Rather, they have merely understood this to be a tale. However, it should be remembered that this is not a tale and Allah is pure from those things which are in vain. Rather, in the words of this Hadith, firstly where Damascus has been mentioned and then, to the east, a minaret has been alluded to, there is a magnificent secret, and it is precisely what we have just mentioned. In other words, trinity and the foundation of three gods was set in Damascus. What a wretched day it was when Paul the Jew entered Damascus with the scheme of a vision and expressed to various innocent Christians that he saw Lord Jesus and instructed me to propagate the teaching that he is also a god. Hence, it was that very dream which was the plantation of the seed of the religion of trinity. As such, this colossal field of polytheism first grew and flourished from Damascus, and then this poison spread to other places as well. Therefore, since God knew that the foundation stone of making a man into God was placed in Damascus, for this reason, whilst alluding to the era in which divine indignation would annihilate this false teaching, God alluded to Damascus again. And in doing so He said that the minaret of the Messiah, i.e., the place of the manifestation of his light would be to the east of Damascus. This text does not mean that the minaret is a part of Damascus and situated within it, as it has been misunderstood by some, unfortunately. Rather, the purport was that the light of the Promised Messiah would rise like a sun from the east and dispel the darkness of the west.(Khutbah Ilhamiyya, Ruhani Khazain Volume 16 page 23-27)