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The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is the only Islamic organization to believe that the long-awaited Messiah has come in the person of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) (1835-1908) of Qadian. Ahmad(as) claimed to be the metaphorical second coming of Jesus(as) of Nazareth and the divine guide, whose advent was foretold by the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad(saw). We believe that according to the Qur’an and the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad(saw) it is clear that the latter day messiah would be an imam from amongst the Muslims. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community believes that God sent Ahmad(as), like Jesus(as), to end religious wars, condemn bloodshed and re-institute morality, justice and peace. Ahmad(as)’s advent has brought about an unprecedented era of Islamic revival. He divested Islam of fanatical beliefs and practices by vigorously championing Islam’s true and essential teachings.

In The Name Of Allah... Welcome to Ahmadi Answers The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is the only Islamic organization to believe that the long-awaited Messiah has come in the person of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) (1835-1908) of Qadian. Ahmad(as) claimed to be the metaphorical second coming of Jesus(as) of Nazareth and the divine guide, whose advent was foretold by the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad(saw). We believe that according to the Qur’an and the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad(saw) it is clear that the latter day messiah would be an imam from amongst the Muslims. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community believes that God sent Ahmad(as), like Jesus(as), to end religious wars, condemn bloodshed and re-institute morality, justice and peace. Ahmad(as)’s advent has brought about an unprecedented era of Islamic revival. He divested Islam of fanatical beliefs and practices by vigorously championing Islam’s true and essential teachings. . 

Son To Pir Manzur?

To begin answering this allegation one should firstly understand how prophecies work. Here is an ayah which explains it in a way:

He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book; in it there are verses that are decisive in meaning — they are the basis of the Book — and there are others that are susceptible of different interpretations. But those in whose hearts is perversity pursue such thereof as are susceptible of different interpretations, seeking discord and seeking wrong interpretation of it. And none knows its right interpretation except Allah and those who are firmly grounded in knowledge; they say, ‘We believe in it; the whole is from our Lord.’ — And none heed except those gifted with understanding. —(Chapter 3 Verse 8)

There are some things which are precise and some unspecific. The ones who are deviated always run to the unspecific things as the anti Ahmadis do when it comes to this prophecy which they misunderstand.

I wonder if the non Ahmadis have even read the entire prophecy and doubt they have. Now let us come to the prophecy. We are told three main things. Firstly a boy was to be born, he would have many names, and there would be a sign of an earthquake when he is born. If one claims this prophecy failed then none of this should have happened.

Ahmad(as) has stated:

“it is the law of the God that in the prophecies there are allegoric parts and there are fundamental parts .and sometime the prophecies are totally allegoric type. and ignorant people just see the allegoric part and deny the truth of the prophecy but truth is , if the prophecy is allegoric in nature (means clearly have not been told to whom it concerns ) and does not fulfill in accordance with the thinking of the prophet then one should not say that prophecy have not fulfilled , but one should only say that the view of the prophet have not fulfilled. (Ruhani Khazain volume 22 page 589)

He also states:

“One should not care about interpretation of the prophecies which are made before the fulfillment of the prophecies. One should consider it an error of judgment because the real time of interpretation is when the prophecy is fulfilled ” (Ruhani Khazain volume 21, page 111)

Its clear that prophecies need to be interpreted especially dreams. Here are some dreams of the prophet Muhammad(Saw) which were also interpreted:

حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ الْعَلاَءِ، حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو أُسَامَةَ، عَنْ بُرَيْدِ بْنِ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ أَبِي بُرْدَةَ، عَنْ جَدِّهِ أَبِي بُرْدَةَ، عَنْ أَبِي مُوسَى ـ رضى الله عنه ـ أُرَى عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ ‏ “‏ رَأَيْتُ فِي رُؤْيَاىَ أَنِّي هَزَزْتُ سَيْفًا فَانْقَطَعَ صَدْرُهُ، فَإِذَا هُوَ مَا أُصِيبَ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَوْمَ أُحُدٍ، ثُمَّ هَزَزْتُهُ أُخْرَى فَعَادَ أَحْسَنَ مَا كَانَ، فَإِذَا هُوَ مَا جَاءَ بِهِ اللَّهُ مِنَ الْفَتْحِ وَاجْتِمَاعِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ، وَرَأَيْتُ فِيهَا بَقَرًا وَاللَّهُ خَيْرٌ، فَإِذَا هُمُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ يَوْمَ أُحُدٍ ‏”‏‏.‏

Narrated Abu Musa:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “I saw in a dream that I moved a sword and its blade got broken, and that symbolized the casualties which the believers suffered on the day of Uhud. Then I moved it again, and it became as perfect as it had been, and that symbolized the Conquest (of Mecca) which Allah helped us to achieve, and the union of all the believers. I (also) saw cows in the dream, and what Allah does is always beneficial. Those cows appeared to symbolize the faithful believers (who were martyred) on the day of Uhud.”(Bukhari, vol 5, book 59, Hadith #407)

Now the question arises that who was this son and where and when was he born? Ahmad(as) said this son will be born in the house of Manzoor Muhammad and this was his own view. Allah used the word Miyan Manzoor Muhammad but prophecies are not always applied to the exact person and this name was in reality referring to Ahmad(as) himself. The son was no other than the Promised son and the birth was not a physical birth rather a spiritual one. It is with this spiritual birth that the earthquake was related and also occurred.

What the non Ahmadi’s fail to mention and hide from the people is this statement of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as):

I saw (in my dream) that a son was born to Manzur Muhammad and he asked what name should be given him. Then my mind moved from the dream towards the reception of revelation and I was informed: Bashirud-Daulah The Promised Messiah[as] said: I supplicate for a large number of people and do not know to whom the word Manzur Muhammad refers. It might be that the word indicates that a son would be born to Miyań Manzur Muhammad whose birth might bring with it prosperity and wealth; or it might be that the boy himself might rise high and be wealthy. But I cannot say for certain when that boy would be born. God has not specified any time. It might be soon or Allah the Almighty may delay it for several years. [Badr, vol. 2, no. 8, February 23, 1906, p. 2 and al-Hakam, vol. 10, no. 7, February 24, 1906, p. 1]

It is clear that Ahmad(as) stated that the prophecy could mean that one whom Muhammad(saw) looks with favour which is the meaning of Manzoor Muhammad. The earthquake referred to the world war which was a war that shook the world right after Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad(ra) became the Khalifa.

Now someone might say how can this prophecy be fulfilled in another person if it uses Manzur Muhammad? Well if they read Tareekhe Khamees there is aIt vision of the Prophet Muhammad(Saw) where its stated that Muhammad(Saw) saw Aseed Bin Asias become Muslim but in reality he died as a kaffir but his son accepted Islam later on which fulfilled this dream.

Next when we see this vision of the prophet(saw) no one can say it failed:

وَحَدَّثَنِي أَبُو الطَّاهِرِ، أَخْبَرَنَا ابْنُ وَهْبٍ، عَنْ عَمْرِو بْنِ الْحَارِثِ، عَنْ أَبِي يُونُسَ، مَوْلَى أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ أَنَّهُ حَدَّثَهُ عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، عَنْ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم أَنَّهُ قَالَ ‏ “‏ نُصِرْتُ بِالرُّعْبِ عَلَى الْعَدُوِّ وَأُوتِيتُ جَوَامِعَ الْكَلِمِ وَبَيْنَمَا أَنَا نَائِمٌ أُتِيتُ بِمَفَاتِيحِ خَزَائِنِ الأَرْضِ فَوُضِعَتْ فِي يَدَىَّ ‏”‏ ‏.‏

Abu Huraira reported:

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: I have been helped by terror (in the heart of the enemy) ; I have been given words which are concise but comprehensive in meaning; and while I was asleep I was brought the keys of the treasures of the earth which were placed in my hand. (Sahih Muslim 523e)

In reality these treasures were acquired when conquering the earth which happened years after the Prophet(Saw) died by his followers so it was fulfilled with them.

This itself is proven from the ahadith itself where the descent of Isa(as) is prophesied however its obvious that Isa(as) has died so the prophecy is metaphorical for someone like Isa(as) who is none other than Ahmad(as).

Now its clear that Qur’an believes in spiritual birth as well rather than only physical. Allah states:

O ye who believe! respond to Allah, and the Messenger when he calls you that he may give you life, and know that Allah comes in between a man and his heart, and that He it is unto Whom you shall be gathered.(Chapter 8 Verse 25)

Ahmad(as) states:

The truth of the matter is that a Prophet is human as well, and it is not bad that he might make some error in judgment but he is not kept on his error and at sometime he is told about his mistake. And prophecies of the prophet should be seen from the side of their being supernatural .If a prophecy does not fulfill in one way , but fulfills in some other way and the fundamental part of prophecy i.e. being supernatural , is present in the other way of fulfillment and after the fulfillment every sane person can understand that this was the real meaning of the prophecy which have been fully shown by the completion of the prophecy Then it will not hurt the greatness of the prophecy at all. Raising objection on it is dishonesty and stubbornness. ((Volume: 21, Page: 250, Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya Vol. 5)

Ahmad(as) clearly said:

“However, earthquakes of a smaller magnitude must continue to occur, but it is imperative that the earthquake of the example of the Judgment Day be postponed till that boy is born.”

This is the spiritual birth which took place of the khalifa which was indeed a great sign and the earthquake or disaster of the example of the Judgement Day was the world war which took place right after.

Ahmad(as) clearly said that the prophecy could be interpreted according to the names and it is clear that it was indeed fulfilled in that way. All of these qualities are in the Promised son, Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad(ra) and the earthquake was the world war which literally shook the world and occurred after he became the khalifa which was his spiritual birth.

There is a furthter second revelation which proves that this referred to Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad(ra). In another vision Ahmad(as) was shown :

Dream: When I received the last mentioned revelation, I
saw that someone said: This is the Sign of the predicted
earthquake. When I looked up, I saw that something had
fallen from the top of the tent which had been set up near
the garden. What had fallen down was the top of the center
pole of the tent. When I picked it up, I found that it was a
nose-pin which is an ornament that women wear at their
noses. It was wrapped in a piece of paper. It passed through
my mind that it belonged to my wife and had been lost
sometime back. It was now found from a height, and that
this was the Sign of the earthquake.
[Badr, vol. 1, no. 8, May 25, 1905, p. 2 and al-Hakam, vol. 9, no. 19, May 31, 1905, p. 1]

This revelation is telling us that a top of the tent will fall down. The interpretation of the tent refers to the Ahmadiyya Jamaat and the death of the caliph. Ahmad(As) picked up the tent and found a nose pin wrapped in paper. Ahmad(As) then said it belonged to my wife and now it has returned to her. This is the sign of the earthquake this refers to. Both prophecies refer to the Promised Son Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad(ra). In the year of 1914 the first khalifa Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Nooruddin (ra) passed away and then the Promised Son(ra) was elected as the khalifa. This was his new spiritual birth and with this new spiritual birth the earthquake is associated. Therefore this prophecy was indeed fulfilled.

Some main points we have understood are that the birth of the son itself was a sign of the earthquake. The earthquake prophecy was a detailed prophecy which had more prophecies in it. The destruction of the czar was one of the sign of the earthquake prophecy which took place in 1914 because of the world war. The world war started in 1914 and the spiritual birth of the son was at the start of the son. The birth of the son was spiritual, and another revelation explained this earthquake as well as shown above. This prophecy was clearly fulfilled with the Promised Son(ra) Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad(ra) becoming the khalifa of Ahmadiyyat.

Illias Sattar, Another Mullah Exposed

To begin this answer, Illias Sattar only jumped for a mubahila because he could not answer this clear ayah of the Qur’an which shows the death of Isa(as).

And when Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary, didst thou say to men, ‘Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah?’”, he will answer, “Holy art Thou. I could never say that to which I had no right. If I had said it, Thou wouldst have surely known it. Thou knowest what is in my mind, and I know not what is in Thy mind. It is only Thou Who art the Knower of hidden things. “I said nothing to them except that which Thou didst command me — ‘Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.’ And I was a witness over them as long as I remained among them, but since Thou didst cause me to die, Thou hast been the Watcher over them; and Thou art Witness over all things. (Chapter 5 Verses 117-118)

These verses are a dialogue between Allah and Jesus(as) on the day of judgement. Allah asks Isa(as) whether it was his reasoning and teaching and that if he was the one who taught his followers to take himself and his mother as gods. Jesus(as) responded to this by saying : “I was a witness over them as long as I remained among them”. This statement shows that Jesus(As) is taking full responsibility for the people while he was alive and a guardian over them. He assures that as long as he was with the people and among them, they followed they right path and did not commit shirk, rather worshiped on God alone. The next statement of Isa(as) is that he states that he cannot be blamed nor held responsible for what the people did and the misguidance they followed, after Allah caused him to die, since he was no longer among them to guide them. Isa(as) explains this in the next statement where he states: since Thou didst cause me to die, Thou hast been the Watcher over them; and Thou art Witness over all things. It is obvious that in this context tawaffaitani can mean nothing other then death nor in any context can it mean anything other then death (unless sleep or night is mentioned) which will be proven.

These verses also conclude and lead to the conclusion that Isa(As) would not return physically in the latter days as that would contradict the perfect book, the Holy Quran. If we do for arguments sake accept that Isa(As) went into the heavens 2000 years ago and will return, then this statement In the Quran cannot be true as he claims Allah was a watcher after he left them and Allah alone. Either you say the Quran is creating a contradiction God forbid, Isa(As) is lying, or he has died. An open minded person after reading this verse would agree he has died. The Promised Messiah(as) states in the Will :

The meaning [of this verse], in the context of the relevant verses, is that on the Day of Judgement God will ask ‘Isa(as), “Was it you yourself who taught your followers ‘Believe in me and my mother as gods?’ “. To this he will reply, ‘As long as I remained among them I was witness over them and was their custodian, but after You caused me to die, how could I know what the heresy was with respect to which they had gone astray!’ Now, if one desires one can take the verse to mean ‘When You caused me to die;’ or if one so desires, without abandoning one’s unjustified obduracy, one can take it to mean: ‘When You raised me to Heaven with my physical body.’ In any event, this verse proves that ‘Isa(as) will not return to this world. For had he come again to this world and had he [having returned to this world] broken the Cross, then in that case it would not be possible that ‘Isa(as), who is a Prophet(as) of God, should tell such a blatantly plain lie in the presence of God on the Day of Judgment viz., ‘I have no knowledge whatsoever that after me my people adopted a false creed and made me and my mother gods’. Can a person who returns to this world and lives in it for forty years and fights battles against Christians, tell such detestable lie—i.e. ‘I am totally ignorant of it all’—even though he is a Prophet? Thus the above verse prevents the return of ‘Isa(as) because, otherwise, he has to be taken for a liar. If he is in Heaven with his physical body and, as the above verse elucidates, will not descend on the earth till the Day of Judgment, will he die in Heaven and will his grave be in Heaven, while his dying in Heaven is contradicted by the verse He said, “Therein you will live, and therein you will die, and from it you will be brought forth.”. Hence, all this proves that he [‘Isa(as)] did not ascend to Heaven with his physical body but went to Heaven after having died. If to oppose the Book of God, when it has given an explicit verdict, is not a sin, then what else is sin? (The Will page 17-19)

Secondly how incorrect is it to believe that this mubahalah was lost by the khalifa when Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) won every single mubahalah? Can one really think Allah changed his stance? In reality, it is clear that Illias Sattar was destroyed.

Let us first look at the versse of Mubahalah. Allah states:

Allah the Almighty states:

Now whoso disputes with thee concerning him, after what has come to thee of knowledge, say to him, ‘Come, let us call our sons and your sons, and our women and your women, and our people and your people; then let us pray fervently and invoke the curse of Allah on those who lie.’(Chapter 3 Verse 62)

Now Allah revealed this verse but still the Christians did not die before The Prophet (Saw), and we know that they did not accept the mubahala either, which is the only possible outcome as we know how truthful the Prophet (Saw) was. Similar is the case with Illias Sattar who tried to trick and deceive many which is not something new when it comes to these “scholars” of today

What transpired on June 3, 1999 was a question answer session with some non Ahmadis which included Illias Sattar and his company. Two Murabbis were present named Usman Shahid and Abdul Rahman. The debate got out of hand and Illias Sattar could not answer the verse I put above, which made him go straight to a mubahala. The scholars told him that the mubahala is given by the khalifa. Upon hearing this Sattar decided to accept the challenge. This took place in Karachi. The Missionaries believed the mubahalas are for bigger “scholars” who have a jamaat or a group which is why Illias Sattar was not given much attention to, but Illias Sattar wanted to become famous and this was all he really wanted since he was unknown. The missionaries accepted the mubahala. Illias Sattar mentioned:

“If Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(As) is wrong and not from Allah then I pray that Mirza Tahir Ahmad will be punished in one year and the whole of the jamaat will be punished by Allah within one year”

Can anyone tell me what happened in one year? Jamaat grew and became stronger, this is a fact.

Illias Sattar then signed on a newspaper called Jurat on November the 11th 19999. He claimed that the 34th Jalsa would be the last of Jamaat Ahmadiyya. We just had a jalsa last year in UK which had over 30,000 members and every year before that since 1999, so he is once again proven a liar. According to him jamaat should have vanished by 2000. After this Allah blessed all the jalsas much more and is still happening. After few years Jamaat spread even more and God blessed Jamaat with a lot of land.

Today Illias Sattar who clearly lost this Mubahala celebrates for no reason at all. We ask him what bad thing happened to Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(Ra) or the jamaat. If he dares to call out the temporary illness of Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(Ra) then that is ignorance on his part and he should also say the same for the prophets who have gotten sick including the Seal of all the prophets, Muhammad (Saw) during his last days. If the sickness of Hazur (Ra) was a punishment then why would Allah cure him? Hazur (Ra) delivered 16 khutbas in 2000. Then what happened the next year? He led 49 khutbas in 2000. What happened in 2002? He led 46 sermons. Allah recovered Hazur (Ra) from a sickness that had nothing to do with this mubahala. One day before Hazur(Ra) passed away, he was able to by the grace of Allah, deliver a Friday sermon.

Another important thing to note is that Illias Sattar did not even follow the first condition of the mubahala which was that on 10 June 1988 Illias Sattar was supposed to publish this mubahala in the Pakistani newspaper. Can he prove that he ever did this? NEVER! This proves Illias Sattar who had never fulfilled the first condition and was declared as a loser. He ran from the first condition itself then celebrates after Hazur (Ra) was given a natural death of old age way after one year. Then what happened? We were blessed with another khalifa chosen by Allah who is currently leading the Islamic world as we speak and is the only leader amongst the Ummah, of course excluding terrorists who self claim caliphate.

Reality to the Mubahalah of Abdul Haq Ghaznavi

Before this allegation is answered, it is extremely important to note the verse about mubahalah in the Holy Qur’an. Allah the Almighty states:

Now whoso disputes with thee concerning him, after what has come to thee of knowledge, say to him, ‘Come, let us call our sons and your sons, and our women and your women, and our people and your people; then let us pray fervently and invoke the curse of Allah on those who lie.’(Chapter 3 Verse 62)

Mubahalah is also not the automatic death for the liar, rather it is a prayer to Allah to curse the liar between the two parties. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) was never into mubahalahs and never wanted to enter into a mubahalah with Muslims. He loved everyone who called themselves a Muslim and prayed for them. Ahmad(as) wanted to avoid this mubahalah but Ghaznavi challenged Ahmad(as) (Ruhani Khazain, Volume 11, page 305)

For more information one can refer to the leaflet of April 12,1891 in Majmua Istaharat Volume 1 page 211 where Ahmad(as) describes the mubahalah between the two Muslim parties. But he only agreed on the condition that it would be according to the instructions of the Qur’an from Chapter 3 Verse 62.

Secondly the non Ahmadi Muslims state that this mubahalah was on the issue that Ahmad(as) and all his believers were kaffirs, liars, impostors and faithless and quote Majmua Istiharat Volume 1 page 425. The success of the mullah should have been publicized to entire India millions of times but why is there none available? If Abdul Haq was victorious it should have been at least something for the Muslim world? The truth is that hardly any Muslim in India or Pakistan knows Abdul Haq.

They are only known for one reason and that is because of the signs of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as). They are no different than Abu Jahl or Abu Lahab who are known primarily because of the truthfulness of Islam. Now this itself shows that Ahmad(as) was successful in the mubahalah. The fact that Ghaznavi is not known to the world and no one has heard of him. But look at the success Allah has given to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as). The entire world has Ahmadi’s on every corner reading his books daily. It is our challenge to the entire Muslim ummah to bring a single statement of Ahmad(as) where he said Abdul Haq will die in his life time as a result of the mubahalah. I also challenge the entire ummah to show a single statement where Abdul Haq said he will live longer than Ahmad(as) and that Ahmad(as) would die in his life time.

Thirdly the non Ahmadi’s quote that Ahmad(as) said that the liar among the participants in a mubahalah dies in the lifetime of the truthful while quoting Malfuzat Volume 9 Page 440. They take this quote completely out of context. Firstly, its a common held belief that Allah does make a clear distinction between the liar and the truthful one year after the mubahalah and this was also the belief of many Muslim saints of the ummah. Ahmad(as) mentioned this himself as well in Ruhani Khazain Volume 9 Page 34. The above mentioned mubahalah was held in the year of 1893. The death of anyone was never mentioned. This is a quotation out of context which was an answer of Ahmad(as) in regards to Musailma Kadhab. This was 14 years after the mubahalah of Ghaznavi. Some people have asked that Musailma was the liar but he did not die in the life of the Holy Prophet(saw). The answer to this is a plain and simple one that Musailma did not enter into a mubahalah and if he did he would have died during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad(saw).

Fourthly they say that ahmad(as) died in the life time of Ghaznavi on May 26th 1908 while Ghaznavi died 9 years after on May 16, 1917. Once again it should be made clear that Ahmad(as) did not even pray for the death of Abdul Haq. Neither did he invoke the curse of Allah on Abdul Haq in the mubahalah because of the ignorance of the maulvi (Ruhani Khazain volume 11, page 305)

Ahmad(as) prophesied that “Abdul Haq will not die unless he himself witnesses the birth of my fourth son also” (Ruhani Khazain Volume 11, Page 317). Abdul Haq’s death happened 9 years after Ahmad(as) is itself a sign of Allah’s support. The curse of Allah fell on Haq many times. His brother died that same year and he had to marry his brothers widow. Ahmad(as) said that marrying an old woman who lost her youth and charm could not be a blessing at all, rather the death of the brother was something to ponder upon(Ruhani Khazain Volume 11 page 310) Then Abdul Haq claimed that he will have a son. Can anybody tell me where that son is and what his name was ? (Ruhani Khazain, Volume 11, Page 310)

In response Ahmad(as) prophesied that he himself would be blessed with a son. Within that year a son named Shareef Ahmad was born. Ahmad(as) once again prophesied that Abdul Haq will not die unless he witnesses the birth of my fourth son. Abdul Haq lived to see the birth of the fourth son of Ahmad(as) which fulfilled this prophecy also. His name was Mubarak Ahmad (Ruhani Khazain Volume 11 page 310)

These same mullahs who opposed Ahmad(as) saw the results the same day on that Eidgah. Batalvi was also challenged for a mubahalah along with Abdul Haq but he as many know was scared his entire life and it was prophesied that he would never come up for mubahalah by Ahmad(as) himself. Abdul Haq was not ready either but he was peer pressured. He only used filthy language against Ahmad(as) and gained nothing from it, except sins. Ahmad(as) did not curse the opponent rather prayed that as his opponents regarded him as a liar, imposter, and infidel and that if he was so that God should curse him in an unprecedented manner. People who were at the Eidgah were so shocked at his prayer that they started to cry around him. One of the followers of the Maulvi Himself, Maulvi Muhammad Yaqoob fell at the feet of Ahmad(as) and accepted his ba’ait. Allahu Akbar. God is truly great. Sheikh Noor Ahmad was an eye witness and has stated in his book “Noor Ahmad” on page 32. When the prayer was over, both maulvi Muhammad Yaqoob and Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf stated in front of many that the father of Abdul Haq named Abdullah Ghaznavi had a vision where he saw a light of God descend upon Qadian which his children were deprived of(Life of Ahmad, Page 375). This itself shows that Abdul Haq lost the mubahalah from the first few minutes it had began!

Blessings upon blessings were being given to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) by Allah after this mubahalah. The followers of Ahmad(as) increased to thousands and in fact eight thousand people asked for ba’ait in that same year (Ruhani Khazain, Volume 11, Page 315). The purpose of this mubahalah was to save people from accepting the wrong person and its clear who Allah had accepted.

It’s also important to note that Abdul Haq prophesied a son but was disgraced by Allah instead and had no son which showed his failed prophecy, while Ahmad(as) prophesied that he would have a son, and he did have that son and another son fulfilled the prophecy that Abdul Haq would not die unless he witnesses that birth as a sign of Allah. Ahmad(as) challenged many opponents in his books as well, but no one stepped fourth, while he(as) continued to propagate the true message of Islam. Another important and amazing sign which occurred within a year after the mubahalah were the heavenly eclipses which were prophesied by the Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) himself for the true messiah and mahdi. Within the same year of the mubahalah, Ahmad(as) published lecture Lahore, while the Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam was translated to English. Ahmad(as) also completed a book in response to a leaflet where Abdul Haq bragged about his victory of mubahalah which was called Tohfa Ghaznavia. In this book Ahmad(as) refuted all of the claims of Abdul Haq and showed the true reality of the mubahalah and what blessings were showered upon him. Ahmad(as) challenged mubahalah to about 100 other mullahs, scholars, sufis and others to settle this matter once and for all. In this challenge Ahmad(as) said that the curse of Allah would happen in one year but not a single person stepped up to the challenge. Ahmad(as) also challenged others like Dowie, Atham, Lekh Ram and Piggott and was successful every single time. Either they repented or they were humiliated.

Falsehood of Abdul Hakeem of Patala

This is just another out of context allegation which some ignorant non Ahmadi Muslims have raised against the jamaah of Allah. It is important to note that Abdul Hakeem of Patala had beliefs that were completely against Qur’an and Islam in general which was the reason he was removed from the jamaat. His belief was that Muhammad(saw) is not important and does not have to be accepted. He said the second part of the kalima is basically useless. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) tried to explain this to him and wrote letters to him also. This is all available in the book Haqiqatul wahi. Because he continuously disagreed, Ahmad(as) could not keep him in the jamaat as one who disrespects our master Muhammad(saw) has no room in this jamaat nor does he belong here.

Its sad that some non Ahmadi Muslim opponents now claim that is prophecy became true. a man who did not even believe in the Holy Prophet(saw). Strangely enough the bitterest opponents of Ahmadiyyat agreed that his prophecy failed. The truth is when the death of Mirza Ghulam ahmad(as) came near, he continued to publish prophecies about his death. Abdul Hakeem used to use the prophecies of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) to make prophecies about when he would die. In the end Abdul Hakeem said Ahmad(as) would die on August 4, 1908. This was his final prophecy. Before this he claimed that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) would die on the fourth of August. Now Ahmad(as) passed away on May 26th 1908 but Abdul Hakeem said he would die on August 4, 1908. Clearly, Ahmad(as) was proven truthful and Allah had humiliated Abdul Hakeem and exposed his fraud to the entire world, including the sunni scholars.

I will now explain this case in depth. Three years before the death of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as), he(as) received more revelations in regards to his death. For example in Braheen e Ahmadiyya Volume 5 page 70, Allah told the Promised Messiah(as) “Your determined term of life is near its end”. In the same year, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) saw a dream where he was told by Allah that the appointed term for him had only a small portion remaining, meaning his death was near. During the rest of the year Allah continued to reveal to Ahmad(as) about his death. Allah the Almighty also revealed to Ahmad(as) the following “He will send down from heaven that which will please thee. A mercy from our self and a matter that has been determined. That which you are being promised is near. I have issued my decree” (Al Hakam, Volume 9, Number 44, 24th October 1905, Page 4)

Ahmad(as) also stated:

“To begin with, all praise is due to God, the Lord of all the worlds; and peace and blessings upon his Messenger, Hadhrat Muhammad(Saw), his progeny and his companions, all. And after that, since in repeated revelations, coming one after the other, God Almighty has conveyed to me that the time of my demise is near and since revelations in this behalf have come to me with such repetition and force as to shake the foundation of my being, turning my heart cold to this life, I have deemed it proper to set down in writing, some words of admonition and advice for my friends and other people who might be disposed to derive benefit from them( The Will, pg 2). The will also had other revelations which showed Ahmad(As)’s death was near. These included “the end of his time was approaching (ibid), and “not much was left before this event took place (ibid pg 3). There was also a vision stated where an angel was measuring the ground and arriving at the location where his grave had been destined to be situated (ibid pg 15)

Now we are to come to Dr. Abdul Hakeem who had been excommunicated from the jamaat because of his beliefs which he began to spread. He was already upset and angered because of his excommunication and because of the humiliation he had suffered. This made him develop hatred towards the jamaat of Allah. He started to write against Ahmad(as) and also threatned him. Abdul Hakeem also claimed to be a recipient of Divine revelation. Now everyone in India who knew about Ahmad(as) were aware of his prophecies in regards to his near death. Abdul Hakeem used this as a opportunity to make a prophecy about his death. Abdul Hakeem basically copied the prophecies of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) and made assumptions of when Ahmad(As) may die. He firstly “prophesied” that Ahmad(as) would die within three years of this prophecy of his (Al Haq Wa Atmam al Hujjat Wa Tamilah page 4). He was clearly repeating what Allah was telling Ahmad(as) but trying to apply dates to his prophecies. Even in the year of 1905 in December, Ahmad(as) stated “A few days back, I saw a dream that someone had given me some water in a new earthen vessel in which there only remained two or three sips of water but, the water was extremely clear and pure. This was accompanied by a revelation, water of life” (Review of Religions, December 1905, pg 480)

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) knew that God does not allow a fabricator to spread such lies and be successful so he stated:

Those accepted of God carry with them the signs of such acceptance. They are known as the princes of peace. No one can prevail over them

Ahmad(as) then supplicated to Allah to distinguish between the turhtful and the lair as he is all knowing and was aware of all knowledge (Tadhkirah, English Edition page 353)

After this prayer of Ahmad(as), Allah the almighty began to expose Abdul Hakeem. It started by him first causing Hakeem to change his original “prophecy” of Ahmad(as)’s death which was by ten months and eleven days. Abdul Hakeem switched his original prophecy to that God told him to reduce Ahmad(as)’s lif by ten months and 11 days which would mean that Ahmad(as) would die within the fourteen months of this dated “prophecy” (Al Haq Wa Atmamul Hujjat Wa Takmilah page 6). In reply to this Ahmad(As) was told by Allah that God will seize Abdul Hakeen and lengthen Ahmad(as)’s days and his enemies prophecy will not be fulfilled(Announcement, 5th November 1907, Tadhkirah English Edition page 404). Now Abdul Hakeem saw this prophecy of Ahmad(as) and was once again confused to change his “prophecy”. He first said Ahmad(as) would die within 14months of July 1907 and then switched it to 12th of February 1908 and now had said that Ahmad(as) would die before the 4th of August 1908 (Al Haq Wa Atmam Al Hujjat Wa Takmilah, pg 26) Ahmad(as) once again replied to this by saying Allah will protect him from the predictions of the doctor (Chashma-e-Marifat page 232). Now again Abdul Hakeem was scared and said “God annulled the prediction of Ahmad(as)’s death before the fourth of August 1908 (Al Haq Wa Atmam al Hujjat Wa Takmilah Page 9)

Now in the next prediction of Abdul Hakeem which was a letter from the 8th of May 1908, he stated “

“I shall be grateful if you publish my latest revelations concerning the death of Mirza. They said Mirza will die of a fatal disease on the 21st day Of Saavan in the year 1965″( which is August 4th 1908).” An important woman from the family of Mirza will also die with him (Paisa Akhbar, Lahore and Ahle Hadith Amritsar, 15th May 1908). This was the last “revelation” of Abdul Hakeem which had a date for Ahmad(as).

Allah had confused him in such a way that he was making himself look like one who is completely ignorant and has no converse with God whatsoever. Now Hakeem predicted a specific date for Ahmad(as)’s death which is why there was no need for Allah to now extent the life of Ahmad(as) as before since the date varied from the date of August 4, 1908.

Ahmad(as) passed away on the 26th of May in 1908. This is two months and ten days before the date of which Hakeem “prophesied”. The opponents of Ahmad(as) including the editor of Paisa Akhbar said that why did Hakeem change his prediction of Ahmad(as)s death within fourteen months of the first of July of 1907 to a certain death on the 21st day of Savaan of the year 1965 which is the fourth of August 1908. He claimed if Abdul Hakeem left his prediction he would have been shown truthful. This shows that they themselves admit it was a false prophecy.

Now let us see what Maulvi Sanaullah Amritsar has said about the “prophecies” of Hakeem. One has to remember that Sanaullah was one of the biggest opponents of Ahmad(as) and had extreme hate for the Promised Messiah(as). Despite all of this hatred, he was forced to state:

“Alas! We write these lines with the greatest regrets and a painful heart. But what else can we do when we must admit the truth? We were indeed, concerned, when we saw that Mirza had published his Will in which he stated that it had been revealed to him that his life was going to end very soon and some people will feel relieved that a certain person has departed from this world. We did not want this to happen so soon, hoping that God Almighty would leave him to flounder in his transgression. But, we expected this to happen soon, as had been announced by Dr Abdul Hakeem of Patiala. The doctor had stated “My revelation concering Mirza of Qadian, which may kindly be published, is that 1)The Mirza will die on the 21st day of Saavan, 1965 (4th August, 1908) of a fatal disease. 2) A distinguished woman of the family of Mirza shall also die [Weekly Ahle Hadees :15.4.1908] However we cannot refrain from saying what is true. Had the doctor STOPPED at what he had stated before, that is, his predition of Mirza’s death within fourteen months and not fixed a specific date as he has done then those objections could have never been raised as are being raised today by the Paisa Akhbar of the 27th, wherein it is stated that had the prophecy been left as “upto the 21st of Saavan” and not altered to “on the 21st of Saavan” it would have, indeed, been wonderful. But alas, his revelation that Mirza will die on the 21st of Saavan, that is the 4th of August, has been published in the Ahle Hadees issue of 15th May, 1908. We wish that he would have left his earlier revelations unaltered, without giving a specific date. Then there could have been no excuse” (Ahle Hadees, 12th June 1908)

This is a statement of the great opponent of Ahmad(As).I will end these two explanations with a verse of the Quran: 

وَقُلْ جَاءَ الْحَقُّ وَزَهَقَ الْبَاطِلُ ۚ إِنَّ الْبَاطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوقًا

And say, ‘Truth has come and falsehood has vanished away. Falsehood does indeed vanish away fast.’(Chapter 17 Verse 82)

Joined Her in Marriage to You and Unmarried or Widow

Now the next revelation they accuse is “we have joined her in marriage to you”. The same has been used in Surah Al Ahzab where Allah states:

And remember when thou didst say to him on whom Allah had bestowed favours and on whom thou also hadst bestowed favours: ‘Keep thy wife to thyself, and fear Allah.’ And thou didst conceal in thy heart what Allah was going to bring to light, and thou wast afraid of the people, whereas Allah has better right that thou shouldst fear Him. Then, when Zaid had accomplished his want of her so as to have no further need of her, We joined her in marriage to thee, so that there may be no hindrance for the believers with regard to the wives of their adopted sons, when they have accomplished their want of them. And Allah’s decree must be fulfilled.(Chapter 33 Verse 38)

The Qur’an shows us that Zainab was married to Muhammad(saw) after she was divorced and became a widow which was the same word revealed to Ahmad(as). This makes it clear that it referred to after she would become a widow if her father and husband does not repent, would marry Promised messiah(as). However, the Husband did indeed repent. Ahmad(as) states:

“And as for the issue that the revelation states that the marriage of Nikah of this woman has been announced with me in the heavens, this is true, but as we have already mentioned, for the apparent manifestation of this Nikah, which was announced in the heavens, there was a condition stipulated by God, which was published at that tie too and it is O Lady! Repent! Repent! For affliction shall befall your children.(Haqiqatul Wahi)

The final allegation on this prophecy is unmarried or a widow.

The revelation was

بكر وثیب

The meaning of this revelation in light of the above-mentioned verse is that ‘after’ Muhammadi Begum becomes a widow (if her father and husband does not repent), she would be married to the Promised Messiah (as). 

This was regarding a virgin and a widow to enter wedlock with Ahmad(as). The virgin was Hazrat Nusrat Jahan (ra) and regarding the widow Ahmad(As) wrote that Muhammadi Begum would enter in marriage with him unless her father gets her married elsewhere, and if that be the case, her father would die of three years of that marriage and then her husband given if they don’t repent. The father of Muhammadi begum got her married elsewhere, and in six months he died even though his health was not bad. Seeing this, her newly wed husband became fearful for his life, and the majority of that family repented, He would have died as well, and then as a widow Muhammadi Begum would have entered in wedlock with Ahmad(As). However, after this Ahmad(as) was revealed that he himself would pass away before Nusrat Jahan(ra) who was his the virgin mentioned, as a widow. This way the virgin and a widow revelation would be fulfilled in a single person, and it did in this exact manner. What makes this prophecy a miracle is that all of this was foretold before the events


Now what the non Ahmadis try to do is say that Ahmad(as) said the marriage is Taqdir-e-Mubram and try to say the prophecies are unconditional since they say “we joined her in marriage to you” and “unmarried or as a widow” Firstly let us discuss taqdir-e-mubram. From the Qur’an and Ahadith it is clear that even taqdir-e-mubram is conditional. For example Muhammad(saw) has said “Pray Abundantly. For verily, prayer averts unchangeable decree(taqdir-e-mubram)(Kanzul Ummal) He also states, verily, charity averts an unchangeable degree (Raudhur Riyahain) He (saw) has also stated that “prayer is a fierce army from among the armies of Allah. It averts divine decree after it has become unchangeable (Firdausal Akhbar Dailmi).

The Qur’an further proves this point as well that even tadqir-e-mubram is based on repentance. Allah states:

Surely, Allah will not forgive that any partner be associated with Him; but He will forgive whatever is short of that to whomsoever He pleases. And whoso associates partners with Allah has indeed devised a very great sin.(Chapter 4 Verse 49)

Allah also states:

‘And ordain for us good in this world, as well as in the next; we have turned to Theewith repentance.’ God replied, ‘I will inflict My punishment on whom I will; but My mercy encompasses all things; so I will ordain it for those who act righteously, and pay the Zakat and those who believe in Our Signs —(Chapter 7 Verse 157)

It is clear from the Qur’an and Ahadith that Allah can indeed change anything if the person repents and Allah is indeed most merciful.

Muhammadi Begum, A Prophecy Fulfilled

The allegation in regards to Muhammadi Begum is indeed an allegation which is brought up by majority of the anti Ahmadi Muslims. They accuse the prophecy without looking at the conditions and right away state that because Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) did not marry Muhammadi Begum, the prophecy was not fulfilled. In reality this prophecy was fulfilled to its entire meaning and was indeed a clear sign from Allah in regards to the truthfulness of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as).

Whenever people begin to go astray and against the words of their Creator, the chastisement of Allah is bound to afflict them. After many punishments a final warning is also given because of the mercy of Allah. Allah states in the Qur’an:

And when We intend to destroy a township, We address Our commandment to its rebellious people, but they transgress therein; so the sentence of punishment becomes due against it, and We destroy it with utter destruction(Chapter 17 Verse 16)

Allah also states in regards to the nation of Prophet Saleh(as):

Then the Messenger of Allah said, ‘Leave alone the she-camel of Allah, and let her drink.’ But they rejected him and hamstrung her, so their Lord destroyed them completely because of their sin, and made it (destruction) overtake all of them alike(Chapter 91 Verses 14-15)

This is the exacct same way that Allah has dealt with the relatives of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) of Qadian. Ahmad Baig and his family were bitter opponents of The Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) and also denied the concept of the existence of a Creator. They disrespected the Holy Qur’an and were influenced by the Hindus and others who would mock the Seal of the Prophets(saw).

This family was also against the thought of one marrying their cousin and believed it to be as if one has married their own blood, meaning their sister. They rejected the teaching of the Qur’an which allows marriage to cousins and they also mocked the marriage of Muhammad(saw) and Zainab(ra). Because of their treachery and disobedience to their Creator, he gave a final chance to the relatives of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) as He also gave a final warning to the people of Salih. Allah stated that Ahmad Baig should get his daughter who was Muhammadi Begum, married to the Promised Messiah(as) and that this marriage would bring blessings within the family of Muhammadi Begum. This was all in accordance to the verse of the Qur’an where Allah has Said:

O ye who believe! fear Allah and be with the truthful.(Chapter 9 verse 119)

If Muhammadi begum would make the decision to marry a righteous and beautiful prophet like Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as), who was the greatest lover of Muhammad(saw) and a true believer of Allah, the blessings would bring back her family to the truth.

Now the beautiful part is that a similar story has occurred in Arabia a well with our Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw). The people of Arabia had the belief that it was unlawful for one to marry a divorced widow of an adopted son and shunned this action. They believed that such a marriage was horrible and was like marrying ones own daughter in law. The Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) in reply to their falsehood was instructed by Allah to marry Hazrat Zainab(ra) who was a divorced widow of Zaid(ra), who was the foster son of the Prophet Muhammad(saw). Allah states in the Qur’an:

And remember when thou didst say to him on whom Allah had bestowed favours and on whom thou also hadst bestowed favours: ‘Keep thy wife to thyself, and fear Allah.’ And thou didst conceal in thy heart what Allah was going to bring to light, and thou wast afraid of the people, whereas Allah has better right that thou shouldst fear Him. Then, when Zaid had accomplished his want of her so as to have no further need of her, We joined her in marriage to thee, so that there may be no hindrance for the believers with regard to the wives of their adopted sons, when they have accomplished their want of them. And Allah’s decree must be fulfilled.(Chapter 33 Verse 38)

Allah had instructed the Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) to marry Zainab in order to remove this misconception and false belief which the Arabs had taken. The same happened with Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) who states in regards to the fulfillment of this prophecy :

We have clearly proven the reason as to why the death of Sultan Muhammad has been delayed in a separate announcement in such a manner that no trustworthy individual can put forth an excuse in accepting it. Those who have no faith can say as they wish. It should be remembered that this prophecy has been fulfilled with all its glories and no intelligent individual can deny this.”( Anwarul-Islam, p. 40)

He explains the purpose of the prophecy saying:

“Verily, Allah found my cousins and other relatives (i.e., Ahmad Baig, etc.) indulged in harmful thoughts and deeds, and found them immersed in shameful traditions, false ideologies, and innovations in the faith. And found that they are the ones to follow their base desires and lusts. And they reject the being of Allah and are among those who cause disorder.” (A’ina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam)

“These people are staunch disbelievers of Allah and His messenger, and they do not believe in the decree of Allah, rather, they are atheists.”(A’ina-e–Kamalat-e-Islam)

Again Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) has said:

“One night it so happened that I was sitting in my home, when a man came to me weeping. I became worried and inquired, ‘Have you been informed of the death of someone?’ He responded, ‘No, even greater so! I was sitting with those people who have reverted from the religion of Allah. One of them cursed at the Holy Prophet (sa) in such a filthy and offensive manner that I have never heard the like of it from the mouth of any disbeliever. Moreover, I saw that they placed the Holy Qur’an beneath their feet and stepped on it. They were uttering such vile words that the tongue becomes filthy even by writing them. And they were saying that the being of Allah is nothing and that there is no God in this world. This is merely a lie which the fabricators have concocted.’ I said to him, ‘Did I not tell you that you should not sit with such people? So fear God, and do not sit with them again, and repent.’ (A’ina Kamalat-e-Islam)

He also states:

“They mock Allah and His messenger and say that (God-forbid), the Qur’an was fabricated by Muhammad (sa) and he was an apostate.(A’ina Kamalat-e-Islam)

This proves that this family was indeed horrible and hated Islam. However, despite all of their mockery they asked Ahmad(as) to bring a sign.

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) stated:

“They wrote a letter in which they had cursed at the Holy Prophet (sa) and the Holy Qur’an. They had rejected the being of Allah, exalted by His name, and demanded from me a sign of my truthfulness. They circulated this letter far and wide, and the non-Muslims of India (i.e., the Christians) greatly helped them in this cause, and they greatly exceeded the bounds.”(A’ina Kamalat-e-Islam)

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) prayed “And I said, O My Lord! Help your servant and disgrace your enemies” (A’ina Kamalat-e-Islam)

Because Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) was a true prophet of Allah, his prayer was indeed heard. Allah the Almighty replied to the Promised Messiah(as) with the following revelation:

“Verily I have seen their disobedience and rebellion. Hence, I shall soon annihilate them by various afflictions and I shall destroy them under the heavens. And you shall soon see how I deal with them. And We have power over all things. I shall make their women widows, and their children orphans, and their homes abandoned so that they may taste the consequences of their words and actions. But I shall not destroy them in a single strike, rather, gradually, so that they may return and become of those who repent. And my curse shall descend upon them, and upon the walls of their house, and upon their young ones, and their elders, and their women,and their men, and their guests who enter through their doors, and all of them shall be among the accursed.” (A’ina Kamalat-e-Islam)

This prophecy itself has made it clear that it is a conditional prophecy as Allah has clearly stated “But I shall not destroy them in a single strike, rather, gradually, so that they may return and become of those who repent”

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) explained that if Ahmad Baig refuses the marraige of his daughter to him, he would then face the wrath of Allah and die within three years of his marrying to Muhammadi Begum to someone else and that the person who she would marry would die within 2 1/2 years following the marriage (again having the condition that he repents) and after becoming a widow she would then marry Ahmad(as).

He(as) states:

“That ever-powerful and wise God said to me that you should put forth a marriage proposal for the daughter of this individual (i.e., Mirza Ahmad Baig), and tell them that you shall receive kindness and good-treatment as a result of the fulfillment of this condition. And this marriage shall be a source of blessings for you and a sign of mercy. And you shall partake in all the mercy and blessings specified in the Announcement of 20th February 1886. However, if you refuse, the outcome of this lady shall be very unpleasant. Furthermore, the man to whom she is wed shall die within 2 1/2 years after the marriage, and her father within 3 years of the marriage.”(A’ina Kamalat-e-Islam)

Another prophecy which further shows us that this prophecy was indeed conditional is:

“I saw this lady (i.e., the grandmother of Muhammadi Begum) in
a vision, the signs of weeping were evident upon her face. So I said to her, ‘O Lady! Repent! Repent! Affliction has befallen your children, and misfortune is about to descend upon you. One man shall die and dogs shall remain behind barking” (A’ina Kamalat-e-Islam)

(The grandmother of Muhammadi Begum was shown to indicate how merciful Allah is, that even if her grandmother prayed for her to be forgiven, Allah would indeed forgive her. This is similar for us when we ask Allah in our prayers to forgive us and our parents and also when we ask Allah to make us observe Salah and our children as well)

Another revelation in regards to this same topic is as follows, which further supports that this was indeed a conditional prophecy based upon repentance:

“Her husband and father would die within three years after
Muhammadi Begum’s marriage and after the death of both, we shall return her to you.”(Karmatus Sadiqin)

The prophecy was that if Mirza Ahmad Baig and the husband of Muhammadi Begum did not repent, they would end up facing the wrath of Allah within three years. Now the situation is much more clearer.

Firstly, the father of Muhammadi Baig would reject Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) for his daughter and disobey Allah’s command by marrying her to someone else.

Secondly, if the father of Muhammadi Begum and son in law do not repent, they would face the wrath of Allah within three years. The father would than die within three years while the son in law would die within 2 and a half years. The household would also face the wrath of Allah and their progeny would be destroyed as the women would become widows and their children would become orphans.

Thirdly, if the father and son in law decide to repent, they would be saved. If one repents only he would be saved.

Now it is clear from the prophecies of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) that Allah informed him that the father of Muhammadi Begum would not accept the proposal of Mirza Ghualm ahmad(as) and would face the wrath of Allah. Allah stated:

“They rejected our signs, and mocked at them. And Allah shall be sufficient for you against them, and Allah shall return this lady to you.”(A’ina Kamalat-e-Islam) This revelation shows that Allah had shown the Promised Messiah(as) that the father would go against Allah. This is also the reason the revelation says return to you showing that the first proposal would indeed be rejected.

Another revelation which further proves that her father would not repent is:

“O Lady! Repent! Repent! Affliction has befallen your children,
and misfortune is about to descend upon you. One man shall die and dogs shall remain behind barking.”(Announcement 15 July 1888, Tabligh-e-Risalat, Volume 1 page 120) This shows us one from Ahmad Baig and the husband of Muhammadi Begum would not repemt.

This further gives us some more information. Firstly Mirza Ahmad Baig would reject Ahmad(as) and go against Allah. This is further proven by the prophecy in regards to Muhammadi Begum returning.

Secondly after Muhammadi Begum gets married to someone else, the husband and father would die within three years if they do not repent. This is supported by “within a period of three years Mirza Ahmad baig and his son in law would die and in this case, Muhammadi Begum would become a widow and be married to me.

Thirdly one of the two from the husband or father of Muhammadi Begum would be destroyed.

Fourthly one of the two would repent and be saved by Allah as Allah showed us by the other revelation that it would indeed be only one of them who is destroyed and further supported by the arabic word yamutu which refers to one male.

Fifthly one of the two would repent which further proves that Muhammadi Begum would in the end not become a widow.

Now because she would not become a widow as her husband would repent, she would not have to marry the Promised Messiah(as). The prophecy was indeed fulfilled but the critics will continue to mock as this is their habbit.

Mirza Ahmad Baig married his daughter to Mirza Sultan Muhammad, and did not benefit from the conditional prophecy in regards to repentance which is why he died on 30 September 1892 which was only five months after the marriage. This fulfilled the prophecy of one of the two males dying. Mirza Sultan repented which made him benefit from the repentance condition. As we know the prophecies showed that only one was suppose to die and the other would be saved. Now because Sultan Muhammad repented, Muhammadi Begum did not become a widow as her husband did not face the wrath of Allah. Now this is the reason that Promised Messiah(as) did not need to marry her anymore (Anjam-e-Atham page 216). Sadly till today people accuse this prophecy because they have not read all of its conditions.

It is clear that the prophecy did indeed include that it was conditional and that since Muhammadi Begum did not bcome a widow, she did not need to marry Promised Messiah(as) as her husband did indeed repent. Ahmad(as) himself stated :

“With relation to this prophecy, not a single revelation was received by me which did not stipulate the condition (of repentance)” (Anjam-e-Atham, Page 223)

He further states: “There are some foolish people who say that the prophecy with relation to Ahmad Baig’s son in law was not fulfilled; and they fail to understand that this prophecy was conditional; and in it, the revelation of Allah the exalted addressed the lady’s grandmother saying “توبی توبی فان البلاء علی عقبك” (O Lady! Repent! Repent! For misfortune has befallen upon the daughter of your daughter”(Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya part 5, page 197)

Now some try to say that Muhammad Sultan did not repent but it is clear he did and became frightened after Ahmad Baig had died. Ahmad(as) states:

“Hence, a wise one can acknowledge that after the death of Ahmad Baig, whose death was one part of the prophecy, what would have happened to theone attached to the second part? He would have, as it were, died whilst living. As such, we received two letters from his elders, which were written by a Hakim Sahib residing in Lahore, in which he has written the state of his repentance and seeking of forgiveness. After witnessing all these circumstances, we became fully certain that the time period specifying the death of Sultan Muhammad was no longer applicable.”(Announcement of 6 September 1894)

“And when Ahmad Baig died the back of his widowed wife and remaining relatives was broken as it were. They became focused on prayer and supplication. As we have heard that the mother of Ahmad Baig’s son-in-law has still not come to terms with this shock.”(Hujjatullah Page 11)

Ahmad(as) also said in regards to the people who thought that Sultan Muhammad did not repent:

“The judgement is quite easy. Ask Sultan Muhammad, the son-in-law of Ahmad Baig to publish an announcement of denial. Thereafter, if he should not die within a period that God Almighty might specify, then I am a liar.”

“And it is necessary that such a death be withheld from him until he becomes defiant. Thus, if you are in a hurry, then come forth and make him defiant and and have him announce his denial and then witness the spectacle of God.”(Anjam-e-Atham, page 32) Mirza Sultan was even bribed to say he did not repent but he was too scared to and did not accept this money. He himself states:

“My father-in-law, Mirza Ahmad Baig Sahib, died in complete accordance with the prophecy. However, Allah the Exalted is forgiving and merciful. He listens to His servants and shows mercy.” “I say with firm faith that this prophecy of marriage did not become a means of doubt for me in any way. Now remains the issue of Bai‘at. So I say on oath that the faith and belief I have for Mirza Sahib (as), perhaps none among you who have done Bai‘at possess so much.” “The state of my heart can be determined by the fact that at the time of this prophecy, the Aryas (due to Lekhram) and the Christians (due to Atham)
wished to hand over 100,000 rupees to me so that I would issue a statement against Mirza Sahib. Had I taken that money I could have become a rich man, but it was that very faith and belief which prohibited me from this act.(Al-Fazl June 1921)

Mirza Ishaq Baig who was the son of Muhammadi Begum and Mirza Sultan Muhammad ended up doing baiat and stated:

“In accordance to this prophecy my grandfather Mirza Ahmad Baig Sahib died, and the rest of the family became afraid and turned to reformation, the irrefutable evidence of which is that a majority of them joined the community. As such, in line with His attributes of Oft-forgiving and Ever merciful, He changed wrath into mercy.(Al Fazl, 26 February 1923)

Now what the non Ahmadis try to do is say that Ahmad(as) said the marriage is Taqdir-e-Mubram and try to say the prophecies are unconditional since they say “we joined her in marriage to you” and “unmarried or as a widow” Firstly let us discuss taqdir-e-mubram. From the Qur’an and Ahadith it is clear that even taqdir-e-mubram is conditional. For example Muhammad(saw) has said “Pray Abundantly. For verily, prayer averts unchangeable decree(taqdir-e-mubram)(Kanzul Ummal) He also states, verily, charity averts an unchangeable degree (Raudhur Riyahain) He (saw) has also stated that “prayer is a fierce army from among the armies of Allah. It averts divine decree after it has become unchangeable (Firdausal Akhbar Dailmi).

The Qur’an further proves this point as well that even tadqir-e-mubram is based on repentance. Allah states:

Surely, Allah will not forgive that any partner be associated with Him; but He will forgive whatever is short of that to whomsoever He pleases. And whoso associates partners with Allah has indeed devised a very great sin.(Chapter 4 Verse 49)

Allah also states:

‘And ordain for us good in this world, as well as in the next; we have turned to Theewith repentance.’ God replied, ‘I will inflict My punishment on whom I will; but My mercy encompasses all things; so I will ordain it for those who act righteously, and pay the Zakat and those who believe in Our Signs —(Chapter 7 Verse 157)

Now the next revelation they accuse is “we have joined her in marriage to you”. The same has been used in Surah Al Ahzab where Allah states:

And remember when thou didst say to him on whom Allah had bestowed favours and on whom thou also hadst bestowed favours: ‘Keep thy wife to thyself, and fear Allah.’ And thou didst conceal in thy heart what Allah was going to bring to light, and thou wast afraid of the people, whereas Allah has better right that thou shouldst fear Him. Then, when Zaid had accomplished his want of her so as to have no further need of her, We joined her in marriage to thee, so that there may be no hindrance for the believers with regard to the wives of their adopted sons, when they have accomplished their want of them. And Allah’s decree must be fulfilled.(Chapter 33 Verse 38)

The Qur’an shows us that Zainab was married to Muhammad(saw) after she was divorced and became a widow which was the same word revealed to Ahmad(as). This makes it clear that it referred to after she would become a widow if her father and husband does not repent, would marry Promised messiah(as). However, the Husband did indeed repent. Ahmad(as) states:

“And as for the issue that the revelation states that the marriage of Nikah of this woman has been announced with me in the heavens, this is true, but as we have already mentioned, for the apparent manifestation of this Nikah, which was announced in the heavens, there was a condition stipulated by God, which was published at that tie too and it is O Lady! Repent! Repent! For affliction shall befall your children.(Haqiqatul Wahi)

The final allegation on this prophecy is unmarried or a widow.

The revelation was

بكر وثیب

The meaning of this revelation in light of the above-mentioned verse is that ‘after’ Muhammadi Begum becomes a widow (if her father and husband does not repent), she would be married to the Promised Messiah (as). 

This was regarding a virgin and a widow to enter wedlock with Ahmad(as). The virgin was Hazrat Nusrat Jahan (ra) and regarding the widow Ahmad(As) wrote that Muhammadi Begum would enter in marriage with him unless her father gets her married elsewhere, and if that be the case, her father would die of three years of that marriage and then her husband given if they don’t repent. The father of Muhammadi begum got her married elsewhere, and in six months he died even though his health was not bad. Seeing this, her newly wed husband became fearful for his life, and the majority of that family repented, He would have died as well, and then as a widow Muhammadi Begum would have entered in wedlock with Ahmad(As). However, after this Ahmad(as) was revealed that he himself would pass away before Nusrat Jahan(ra) who was his the virgin mentioned, as a widow. This way the virgin and a widow revelation would be fulfilled in a single person, and it did in this exact manner. What makes this prophecy a miracle is that all of this was foretold before the events

Abdullah Atham, A Christian Fraud

Before I explain this prophecy and the conditions behind it, I would like state that it is quite upsetting that the non Ahmadi Muslims raise an allegation against this prophecy, although Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) was defending Islam while Atham was defending Christianity. It disgusts me that they have the audacity to defend the trinity over the Oneness of Allah. However, this prophecy was indeed fulfilled beautifully.

The non Ahmadi Muslims claim that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) said that Atham would die within fifteen months but did not die. The sad part is that they do not even dare to look or read the entire prophecy in context with its conditions. This prophecy was based upon repentance and it is indeed a clear fact that Atham did repent.

This prophecy dates to the year of 1893 when Muslims were extremely terrified of the Christians and had to come to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) to defend Islam in a debate with Christianity. The anti Ahmadi ulema themselves came to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) which shows us that no one had the ability to defend Islam and that it was being hammered by the Christians in those days. Only one person stood up and that was no other than Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) of Qadian. Once the debate was coming to an end, near the last day Allah sent a revelation to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as). The reason was because of the consistent mockery of Atham against the Seal of All the Prophets Muhammad(saw). Allah revealed to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) that if Atham would not return to the truth he would end up dying within a period of 15 months. This would be a sign for all of the Christians who were bitter opponents against Islam and would also be a huge victory for Islam. It would show the Christians the reality of the Prophet, Muhammad(saw) who Jesus(as) himself prophesied about.

Ahmad(as) published this prophecy as a warning to Atham from Allah. This was in regards to his mockery of Muhammad(saw). The only way Atham would be saved from this death would be him turning to the truth and coming to a stop against the vulgar language he would use against the Prophet Muihammad(saw).

The prophecy is as follows:

“Last night, it was made apparent to me, when I supplicated before God with great humility and emotion saying, ‘Decide in this matter; and we are but your humble servants, we cannot do a thing without your verdict,’ He granted me a Sign by way of glad-tiding that among the two parties, the one who is lying intentionally, and is abandoning the true God, and makes a humble man to be God, would be thrown into a Hawiyyah [i.e., punishment of fire] and be utterly disgraced, within a period which coincides with the number of days in this debate, i.e., for every day a period of one month, that is to say, within a period of 15 months from today, on the condition that he does not return to the truth. Through this, the honour of that person would be manifested who is truthful and believes in the True God. And when this prophecy is manifested, some of the blind would regain their sight; and some of the crippled would begin to walk; and some of the deaf would begin to hear.( Jang-e-Muqaddas, Ruhani Khaza’in, Volume 6, p. 291-292)

After Ahmad(as) had published this prophecy, by Allah something happened to Atham. He became terrified and full of fear. He started to fear things that were not even happening and behaved in a manner which scared people. He would think a serpent was set loose to kill him and would also be extremely afraid of dogs. He would see random things like armed men and evil spirits as well which he thought were coming to attack him. Since he was full of fear because of the things he was seeing, he did not speak against the Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) again. His condition itself shows that he had become like one who was dead. The reason he was not given death in the span time of 15 months was clearly because he did repent. He did not have the courage to say or utter a single word against Muhammad(saw) anymore.

When the last day of the 15 months had arrived which was on the day of the fourth of September during the year of 1894, Atham had not died. a lot of people were trying to claim that the prophecy was not fulfilled. It was already shown that this was a condition prophecy and that Atham would be saved he stopped insulting Muhammad(saw). The silence of Atham showed that he became afraid and started to repent. In reply to all the allegations of the Mullahs and Christians, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) made an announcement where he offered 4000 ruppees to Atham if he can claim that he has not repented and has not returned to the truth.

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) states:

“Now, if Atham swears on oath (that he has not repented) the promise of one year is conclusive and categorical, with which there are no conditions. And the decree is unchangeable. And if Atham does not take the oath, even then God would not let a culprit go unpunished who tried to deceive the world by hiding the truth. The days are near, not distant.”( Announcement, ‘4000 Rs. Reward’, p. 11, 27 October 1894)

Less than 7 months after this announcement, Atham passed away testifying to the truth of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) and the Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) as well as Islam being dominant over Christianity. Atham was too scared to utter a single word against our master Muhammad(saw).

Here is an interesting passage from the debate itself showing how badly Atham was indeed shattered:

Statement of Mr. Abdullah Athmam:

In response to your Mubahala of yesterday, we Christians see no need of fresh miracles for old teachings; nor do we find ourselves up to the task. We have only been promised that whatever supplications we make, consistent with divine will, shall be granted, but we have not been promised any signs, whereas you, sir, seem to take pride in showing signs. We have no objection to witnessing a sign, and if it is indeed in the interest of mankind that a decision should be reached through the showing of a sign, we, for our part, have already expressed our inability to do so; it is now up to you to show a sign if you so please.

This is what you said in yesterday’s closing statement, and this is what you have hinted at today; so there is no need to discuss the matter any further. We are both well-advanced in age, and the grave is our destination. Let us be merciful to mankind and settle the matter on the basis of some heavenly sign. You have also said that you have received special revelation to the effect that victory shall be yours in this contest, and that the Just God is surely with those who are true, therefore, this is bound to happen. We have already pointed out in reply to the summary of your statement that we are not debating with you because we consider you to be a prophet or messenger or the recipient of revelation. Nor are we concerned with your personal beliefs, your arguments and your revelations. We assume that you are a Mohammedan, and are therefore having a dialogue with you on the subject of Christianity and Mohammedanism on the basis of the Principles that are generally accepted by both. But as you are willing to show a sign of divine power and are inviting us for the contest in this regard, we have no objection in witnessing a sign. So here are three people, one is blind, one has an amputated leg, and one is dumb. You are welcome to cure any of them if you can. Ad whatever penalty falls upon us as a result of this miracle, we shall be willing to pay. By your own admission, you believe in a God who is not only all powerful in name but is truly all powerful; he should, therefore, have no difficulty in curing them. Why wait then, as, in your own words, God shall most surely be with the truthful. Please do have mercy on God’s creatures, and be quick about it. Moreover, you must have been informed [by God] that today you will face this situation and you must have known that this is going to happen, for the same God who told you that victory shall be yours in this contest, must have also informed you that a blind man and other afflicted persons are going to be presented before you. So please go ahead and do as you have claimed here in the presence of Both Christians and the Mohammedans….

Statement of the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as):

Let it be clear that I wrote to Deputy Abdullah Atham and told him that just as he considers the Christian faith to be the only means of salvation, so does the Holy Quran regard Islam as the sole way to salvation. You have made your claim on your own, while I have quoted the actual verses from the Holy Quran. But a claim without proof is of little value. This is why I said to him that the Holy Quran has described the hallmarks of those who have attained salvation, and , in keep with these hallmarks, we find that the followers of this Holy Book attain salvation in this very life. But do you find, in your religion, believers who possess the signs of salvation as Jesus himself as described them?

For example it is written in Mark 16:17:

“And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any dead thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.”

So now I respectfully submit the following and beg to be forgiven if there is any harshness or bitterness in my words: with regard to the three sick persons you have presented before me, let me say that they symbolize a sign which Jesus has particulary attributed to the Christians. He says “If you are a true believer then your sign will be that you will lay hands on sick and they will recover.’ Pardon me, but if you indeed claim to be a true believer, we have here three sick persons, whom you yourselves have presented; just lay your hand on them and if they recover we will believe that you are indeed true believers and have attained salvation. Otherwise, there is no ground for accepting your claim, because Jesus also says “if ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove (Matthew, 17:20) I do not want you to remove a mountain right now, because there are no mountains around here, but we do have a very good opportunity for you, since you yourselves have presented the sick, go ahead, therefore, and lay your hand on them and just heal them! Otherwise you will not be left with any faith, not even as little as a mustard seed!

But the same cannot be said of us, Because, in the Holy Quran, Allah has never given us the special distinction that whenever we lay our hands on the sick, they will be cured. True he has said that he shall accept our prayers as and when he pleaces. And if a prayer is not worthy of acceptance, or runs counter to divine wisdom then, at the very least, one would be apprised of it. Nowhere has he said that you have been given the power to do whatever you please. On the other hand, it seems to be the decree of Jesus(as) that he grants his followers powers such as to cure the sick as it is written in Mattew 10:1:

“And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.”

It is has now become incumbent upon you, and indeed a test of your faith, that you should cure these sick persons, or else you have to confess that you do not have faith even as little as a mustard seed. Remember everyone is called to account according to his own book. (Jange Muqaddas, Ruhani Khazain Vol 6 page 149-157)

Another interesting statement from this debate said by Ahmad(As) is :

“In your book Adruna-e-Bible, you have called our Holy Prophet(saw) Dajjal, whereas I belive him to be a true messenger, and I firmly believe Islam to be from God. Now this is something that will be decided by heaven. The heavenly decree is that whichever of us is false in his statement and unjustly declares the true messenger to be a liar and dajjal, and whichever of us is an enemy of the truth, shall be cast in hawia [hell] within fitfteen months from today, in the lifetime of the truthful one; unless he turns to the true i.e desists from calling the righteous and true Prophet(saw) Dajjal and refrains from impertinence and abuse. I said this because the mere denial of a religion does not merit punishment in this world, it is audacious, impertinent and insolent vilification that makes one deserve punishment. Thus when Atham was apprised of this prophecy in this gathering of more than seventy people, he blanched visibly, his face turned pale, and his hands started to tremble. He immediately took his tongue out of his mouth, touched his ears with both hands, and began to shake his head and hands just like frightened culprit who vehemently denies any wrongdoing, repents and shows great humility. With a quivering tongue, he kept saying, I repent! I repent! I am not guilty of any disrespect or blasphemy; and I have never called the Holy Prophet(saw) Dajjal. All the while he was trembling and this spectacle was not only be held by Muslims but his humble attitude was also witnessed by a large number of Christians. His denial seemed to signify that his statement in his book Andruna-e-Bible was not meant as an insult. In any case, he ended up retracting the word Dajjal before this gathering of about seventy people, and it was this one word that had occasioned this prophecy. He escaped death within a period of fifteen months, because he had recanted that blasphemous word on which the prophecy depended and God would surely never forget the condition that he himself had attached….”(Nazulul Masih, Ruhani Khazain Vol 18. Pp 541-545]

Sanaullah, The Terrified Maulvi of Amritsar

This allegation is one of the allegations which is brought up most by the non Ahmadi Muslims against Mirza Ghualm Ahmad(as), even though if looked in context, the reality becomes clear. Firstly Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) did not claim that Sanaullah would die during his life time, rather he did a challenge to the maulvi which he was terrified of and ran away. He would continuously back out of the challenge.

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) of Qaadian sent a challenge out to all of the scholars of India who were rejecting and mocking him during the year of 1896. Ahmad(as) named 58 scholars and 49 sufis whom he challenged to the mubahala. From these 58 scholars one of the people included was Sanaullah. Ahmad(as) sent out the challenge but none of them had accepted. Sanaullah would act like he accepted but because of the pressure which was on him, he would continuously back out as his heart knew that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) was a true Prophet of Allah.

Before I go in to detail here are some statements about Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) by him

Sanaullah wrote in his book, Tarikh-e-Mirza, that he had such a great respect and honor for him that he used to visit him in Qadian on foot. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad “emerged as a defender of the faith”(Hasan, The Truth About Ahmadiyyat page 1)

The Maulvi also called him: “a champion of Islam.”(Nadwi A.H: Qadianism, A Critical Study, page 26, 35)

Now onto the details of the mubahalah challenge which Sanaullah was way too terrified to accept.

The first acceptance of the maulvi was a signed statement or letter which he wrote to his friend. It reached to Ahmad(as) to which he replied:

“I have seen the signed statement of Maulvi Sanaullah of Amritsar stating that he is whole-heartedly ready to accept such a method of decision whereby the two parties, i.e. he and I, should pray that whoever from among us is a liar should die in the life of the other”(Ijaz-e-Ahmadi Page 14)

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) further went on to state:

“So if Maulvi Sanaullah sahib has expressed this desire from heart and not by way of hypocrisy, then what is better than this? He shall do a great favor upon the ummat in this era of dissension, as an opponent, he shall become the means of a verdict between truth and falsehood. He has put forth a good proposal, now if only he remains firm upon this” (Ijaz-e-Ahmadi Page 14)

Now the signs of the Maulvi running away begin. After Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) had published these announcements, the maulvi replied by saying:

“Since this humble one is not in actuality or like yourself a prophet, messenger, the son of God, or claim to receive revelation, therefore I dare not accept such a challenge.” (Illhamat-e-Mirza, Edition 2, Page 85)

Now Sanaullah became pressured once again and was indeed confused. He self contradicted himself by saying:

“Mirza’is! If you are truthful then come; and bring your people with you. The same Eid-Gah is ready where you did a mubahala with Sufi Abdul Haq Ghaznavi and were faced with heavenly disgrace(Note: This is indeed another lie as Ahmad(as) did not pray against anyone as the maulvi has claimed) And bring the man who has invited me for a Mubahalah in his book Anjam-e-Atham” (Ahl-e-Hadith, 29 March 1907 Page 10)

After Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) recieved this news, he responded by stating:

“I give the good news to Maulvi Sanaullah that Mirza Sahib has accepted his challenge of Mubahalah. Undoubtedly(you) swear that this man (i.e Mirza Sahib) is false in his claim and then openly state that if I am false in this claim then “May the curse of Allah be upon those who lie”. The verse of the Holy Qur’an upon which the foundation of Mubahalah is set only states that both parties should say, “May the curse of Allah be upon those who lie” (Badr, 14 April 1907)

After Maulvi Sanaullah read this, he shook once again and became terrified. He ran away once again by claiming:

“I did not invite you to a Mubahalah, I only expressed my intent to make a sworn statement. However, you call this a Mubahalah, whereas a Mubahalah is when both parties swear against each other. I have only agreed to take an oath not to engage in a Mubahalah. A sworn statement is something else and a Mubahalah is something else” (Ahl-e-Hadith 19 April 1907)

Now we see that the maulvi has contradicted himself many times already throughout his conversation in regards to the mubahalah. This shows us how afraid and terrified he was. His statements make it clear that he continued to flee from the mubahalah and this is no shock to us as Ahmadi Muslims as all maulvis would run away from the Prophet of Allah.

Before Sanaullah published this statement of April 1907, Allah told Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) that Sanaullah would not accept. Therefore, Ahmad(as) published a final invitation which he called a “Final Verdict”. He prayed that Allah destroys he who is false in the life of the other. Ahmad(as) wrote:

“In the end,w e request Maulvi Sahib to publish this statement in his newspaper(Ahl-e-Hadith) and write whatever he so wishes below it. Now the verdict is in Allah’s hand”

Now it was the obligation of Sanaullah to accept this challenge but he was extremely fearful and did not accept this. After the Promised Messiah(as) published this final verdict, Sanaullah could have mentioned the mubahalah but instead he wrote a statement of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) on April 26 1907 which consisted of six major statements.

His first statement was that the approval was not sought of him on the wording of the prayer and it was published without his approval

Secondly he stated that the statement of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) cannot be considered a final decision at all.

Thirdly he stated that his opposition is with Ahmad(As), and if he dies how would his death be a sign for the others?

Fourthly he stated that the messengers of Allah are merciful and generous and their only desire is that no one should be destroyed. Why then do you pray for my destruction?

Fifthly he stated that Allah grants false, deceptive, mischievous and disobedient people a long life, so that in this response they may further increase in their evil(Written by his assistant, and agreed by Sanaullah stating that he believes it is true, in the newspaper of July 31 1907)

His sixth point was basically that this statement of yours is not acceptable to me and nor can any wise person accept it (Ahl-e-Hadith April 26 1907)

After all of this Sanaullah continued saying a statement which further supported his fifth point:

“Despite being a true prophet, the Holy Prophet(saw) passed away before Musailma Kadhab, and even though Musailmah was a liar, he died after the truthful one” (Muraqqa-e-Qadiani, April 1907, Page 9)

And then :

“Show such a sign from which we can take a lesson. If we die, what shall we see and what guidance shall we receive?” (Watan Amritsar, 26 April 1907, Page 11)

It is indeed clear that Sanaullah did not accept the final verdict and ran away from it also. if he did accept it he would have indeed been humiliated and destroyed like the others. Since he did not accept the challenge, he was not faced with the punishment he would have in regards to a mubahalah. Now we see that Sanaullah claimed that the false are granted a longer life by Allah after he had ran away and there is a clear reason why he had done this. He knew that if he accepted this challenge of the Lion of Allah he would have indeed been crushed and would have died first. This is the only reason he added such a point.

It is however clear that he did not accept the Challenge just as the Christians who lived in Najran were too afraid to accept the Mubahalah of Muhammad(saw). The ayah was revealed but they were too scared to accept the challenge and if they did accept it they would have been destroyed, but were sadly as scared as Sanaullah.

After Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) passed away, a lot of opponents said that the statement of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) which said “Final Verdict” was not a mubahalah. This is totally false and is a clear lie.

Firstly, Sanaullah himself had considered the final statement to be or a mubahalah or he had no reason to respond to the challenge and whine about it being unfair.

Secondly his objected to the statement which was issued before his approval is also a clear proof that he was aware that it was indeed a mubahalaha but was too scared to accept it.

Thirdly, one month after Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) passed away, Sanaullah stated:

“The Krishan of Qadian published an announcement of Mubahalah on 15 April 1907(Muraqqa-e-Qadiani, June 1908, Page 18)

This further proves that it was indeed a mubahalah which Sanaullah ran away from and clearly rejected. Allah has exposed the fear of this Maulvi in such a beautiful way and any truth seeker can see the lies through his statements.

Fourthly, Sanauallah stated that to this day, Mirza Sahib had never issued forth such an open challenge of mubahalah to anyone, This itself shows that Maulvi Sanaullah knew that it was indeed a mubahalah and that no one had received such a mubahalah as he has. He has clearly agreed that the final verdict was a mubahalah challenge which is quote obvious. Sanaullah rejected just as the Christians rejected the challenge of Muhammad(saw).

It is evident that Sanaullah was extremely terrified and unable to take a step against the Lion of Allah. Ahmad(as) has said:

“Where is it written that a false person dies in the life of the truthful one? What we have written is that between two parties who are engaged in a Mubahalah, the one who is false dies in the life of the truthful. Did all the enemies of the Holy Prophet (sa) die in his lifetime? Thousands of enemies remained alive after the demise of the Holy Prophet (sa). Yes, a false person who engages in a Mubahalah dies in the life of a truthful person. Similarly, our opponents shall remain alive after our demise. We become astonished upon hearing such things. Look at how our words are presented in a twisted manner. And what art of distortion is this that even the Jews have been left behind.”( Al-Hakam, 10 October 1907, p. 9)

Ahmad(as) has also stated in regards to his other mubahalahs which the mullahs accidentally accepted and were faced with the wrath of Allah that:

Where is Ghulam Dastgir who supplicated for my destruction in his book Faid-e-Rahmani, and prayed for the death of whichever of us was false? Where is Maulavi Charagh Din of Jammu who stood up for Mubahalah against me and predicted my death on the basis of a revelation he was supposed to have received? Where is Faqir Mirza who had a large following and who predicted my death with great enthusiasm. He even announced that God had informed him from His throne that I was an impostor and would die during his own lifetime in the following month of Ramadan. But when Ramadan came, it was he himself who died of the plague. Where is Sa‘d-ullah of Ludhiana who stood up for Mubahalah against me and predicted my death? He died of the plague in my lifetime. Where is Maulavi Mohy-ud-Din of Lakhoke who called me the Pharaoh and predicted my death in his lifetime and published several of his supposed revelations concerning me? He too passed away in my lifetime. Where is the accountant Babu Ilahi Bakhsh of Lahore, the author of ‘Asa-eMusa, who described himself as Moses and called me Pharaoh and predicted my death by the plague in his own lifetime, and published several other prophecies about my ruin? He too died of plague within my lifetime, thus bearing witness that his book ‘Asa-e-Musa was false and a bundle of impostures. All these people had hoped that I would become an illustration of the verse:

‘If he be a liar, on him will be the sin of his lie.’—(Al-Mu’min, 40:29)

But they themselves illustrated this verse by their ruin. By destroying them God also made me an illustration of the second part of the same verse:

But if he is truthful, then some of that which he threatens you with will surely befall you.’—(Al-Mu’min, 40:29)

Have not all these events fully established the design of God Almighty? Yet it was necessary for my opponents to have rejected me because of the Divine prediction published 26 years ago in Brahin-e-Ahmadiyyah:

A Warner came to the world and the world did not accept him, but God will accept him and will establish his truth with powerful assaults.

I am certain that God will not stop His signs till my truth is made manifest to the world. Today, 15th May 1908, it has occurred to me that there is another method by which a God fearing person may perchance emerge from the dangerous whirlpool of denial. It is as follows: Someone out of my opponents who deems me a disbeliever and a liar should obtain the attention of at least ten reputed clerics, or of at least ten well known leading personalities, and should come out against me in order to carry out a test of our truth or falsehood. We should select two persons who are critically ill and each of them should, by the drawing of lots, be allocated to each of us for prayer. Thereafter, the one whose patient recovers completely or lives longer than the other patient, will be considered true. All this is in the hand of Allah Almighty, and, relying on His promise, I predict that God will either bestow full health on the patient allocated to me or will grant him longer life than the other patient; and this will be the testimony of my truth. If this does not happen, it may be concluded that I am not from God. But it will be necessary that the person who stands up against me, and the ten Maulavis or leading personalities who support him, must announce in three leading papers that, in the case of my triumph, they will accept me and join my Jama‘at. I shall also be bound by similar conditions…. One benefit resulting from such a contest would be that God Almighty would bestow new life upon someone dangerously ill, who has lost all hope of life, and would thus manifest a sign of reviving the dead. Secondly, the contention between us will be judged peacefully and easily. Peace be on him who follows the right path. Announced by: Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, The Promised Messiah. 15 May, 1908.([Chashma-e-Ma‘rifat, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 23, pp. 2-4])

Imagine the end of Sanaullah if he actually had the power to accept a mubahalah with the Lion of Allah?

A biography of Sanaullah writes in regards to his death, showing his corrupt his life had become:

“In August 1947, Amritsar was the scene of a mini-doomsday. The death-afflicting storm of rioting completely enfolded the residence of Maulana, and even though he succeeded in evacuating himself and his family out into safety, his only youthful son Ataullah was cruelly slaughtered under his very eyes and the horror of that grief minced his heart into pieces.”(Al Aitzan June, 15 1962 page 10)

And also :

Maulvi Abdul Majid Sohdarvi, biographer of Maulvi Sanaullah, writes: “The moment he left his house, vagabonds and looters who were waiting for the opportunity swept in and took everything, including all the household items, cash and jewelry. After looting and robbing, they put the house on fire. That was, however, not the end of it; the looters also put on fire and turned to ashes Maulana’s most precious and valuable collection of books which included some very rare publications worth thousands of rupees and which he had brought together after great pains and expense. The loss of these books was no less distressing to Maulana than the loss of his only son. Those books were the most valuable estate of his life and some of them were so rare that it was not only difficult but impossible to replace them” … “This violent grief remained with Maulana until his death and, in fact, these two tragic incidents were the major cause of his sudden death. The sudden loss of his only son and the burning of his most precious collection of books, and the affliction of both of these misfortunes over a short while claimed his life(Seerati Sanai, Maqbool Aam Press, Lahore)

Even though he ran away from the mubahalah, he still faced the wrath of Allah.

And say, ‘Truth has come and falsehood has vanished away. Falsehood does indeed vanish away fast.’(Chapter 17 Verse 82)